Sierra's POV

"SHE WHAT?" Wanda yells, causing me to flinch. "I should have stopped her," Loki says, looking worried. We all are worried. We know Yelana doesn't like Jo. It's nothing new, but she wouldn't hurt Jo, would she?

"She was upset, it's hard to tell what she will do with Jo," Loki says, breaking into sobs. Peter paces back and forth muttering to himself.

Tony walks in and everyone freezes. "What's going on?" He asks confused. No one speaks, that's when Yelana walks in with a sleeping Jo. "I took him for a walk," She says quietly, in a soft tone.

"Woah, that's not like her," Steve says under his breath. "Is the kid dead?" Valkyrie whispers to Wanda. "I can't read his mind," Wanda say quietly.

"Oh, okay," Tony says, then walks to his office. Before everyone starts yelling, I decide to step in. "Okay, what the hell is even going on?" I ask, not to loudly.

"Nothing," Yelana says, a smirk on her face. Oh, something is definitely up. She walks to her room, carrying Jo on her hip.

That's when all hell breaks loose. "Was he alive?" Steve says, louder. "I think so," Peter says. "I THINK SO? THAT ISN'T A GOOD ENOUGH ANSWER!" Loki yells, which scared the shit out of me since I was right next to him.

"He is alive," Natasha says, accent clear as ever. "He is safe, for now. I know Yelana, don't push her if you want the boy back."

Yelana's POV

Loki hurt me. I've blocked people from hurting me, but I let myself slip. I let myself slip for Sierra. Then the boy, how he looked. So small, so thin, so short. He needs protection, I sense something different about him, so I took him. Loki won't keep him safe.

I take him to my home lands. I take him to Moscow, Soviet Russia. The travel was fast. He wakes up, but isn't scared. He is calm. I take him to the one place I seem to find peace. Pyotr Vasilievich Starkovsky's grave. I tell him about my training, and show him a few things which he learns quickly.

Something changes in me. I get this attached feeling. Then my mind booms and I see Jo's life till now. I look at his arms and see all the little scars, his is more visible than Sierra's. Sierra must have stoped before him.

Wait, or has he stoped? I see cuts from two days ago. My heart aches with pain. Then another boom hits, this time my heart. He is the child I could never have because of the forced hysterectomy.

A final boom hits my brain. I shall train him to be like me and have the skills of an assassin. I will teach him to protect, and never to harm without valid reason.

Never use his knowledge for bad, only for good. I sense something off at the tower. It's time for me to head back.

Loki's POV

Well, Jo is alive, I don't know if he is safe. This is all my fault. I should not have upset Yelena, I knew better. I knew she didn't like Jo. I knew something would happen. I should have done something.

If Tony finds out about this, I'm dead. Gonzo. Who will keep Sierra safe then? Okay, she has the whole team, but still.

Everyone else has seemed to calm down, all except Peter and Wanda. I follow Peter outside, and look at him. "Where do you think your going?" I ask.

"Loki, what if he is hurt and hiding it from us?" He asks. "I will take care of it, I-" he cuts me off. "No, you have done enough damage. First you upset Yelena, now you think you can just fix it. That's not how shit fucking works. Now, leave me the fuck alone you asshole," Peter yells, catching me off guard.

I decide he needs space and find Wanda in the kitchen. "Lok, I can't read his head, this is bad. It either means he is dead, had mind blockers, or someone else is blocking his mind. We know he is alive, and he doesn't have powers. That means Yelena must be blocking it somehow," Wanda says, writing stuff down.

She talks about what she should do for about twenty minutes before storming off for God knows what. Well, that went great. I go to my room and think. I think over everything, before falling asleep at my desk.

Sierra's POV

Everyone went their seperate ways. I heard some yelling, but I didn't pay much attention. I decide to go to my room so I can process everything. I start to draw the events, and add colour to the future masterpiece.

After an hour, I have a painting of all the different events. I hang it up on my walls near the door to exit my room. Then I tidy up and clean.

I wonder what Tony and the others are doing. Wanda probably wants her wine, Peter probably wants his Apple Juice. Loki is stressed as fuck. Tony doesn't even know.

Oh if Tony finds out, Loki is deader than Roadkill in the deserts of Arizona. Maybe I should draw Arizona. You know what, I'm doing it. I get to work on that and enjoy the sound of paint being placed on the page.

I add some Scorpions in as well. It looks good actually, so I hang it up on display. Then I clean up my area once more before getting ready for bed.

I take a shower and put on my pajamas. Then I brush my hair and teeth. After that, I go get comfy in bed and try to shut my brain off, which has proven to be very hard, like always.

I can not get Yelena out of my head. That smirk scares me. It scares me a lot. I hope Jo is okay. With these thoughts, I fall asleep.

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