Sierra's POV

Tony walked out carrying Jo. Before I could say anything, Loki dragged me out. "Let's go to that Waffle house, just you and me," he says. So off we went.

Jo's POV

I'm scared. I don't know what to do. Tony had sat next down on his bed while he messaged people. A loud bang sounds near. It scared the shit out of me. Then I see it, or shall I say him.

The person causing all this. Then I see what he is thinking. He wants to kill me. An image of him slitting my throat appears in his mind.

"DADDY!" I cry out. Tony drops his phone and turns around. This is the first time he has ever heard my voice. He then runs over and holds me while sitting on his bed. "I'm right here baby, don't worry. Daddy will protect you," he says, trying to calm me down. I'm hysterically crying into his shoulder.

After about thirty minutes everything is silent other then my sniffles. Tony hesitantly gets up and grabs his phone. "Cost is clear... For now," He says, unlocking his room. Repairs are already done thanks to magic.

Sierra comes running into the room with Loki. "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY?" She screams. I nod and look at Loki. "You remember me, right?" He asks. I nod and smile.

"Tony, he will be back," Sierra says. "Not here, not now Sierra," Tony says, which sounded a bit rude. "Tony she-," Loki starts, getting cut off by Tony. "I don't want him hearing about this, you understand me!" Tony says.

This tone of voice scares me. I hop up off the bed and ran out of the room. I hear Tony start yelling so I run faster and farther away. I can feel tears streaming down my face once again. I hate yelling.

I run into someone. I wipe my eyes and hide my face. "Jo, what's wrong?" Peter asks, helping me up. I hug him and he hugs me back. "T-Tony yell," I mumble. "You speak?" Peter asks.

"I'm sorry, umm, just ignore Tony right now okay, I'm sure he has a good reason for yelling," Peter says, looking down at me. "I no like yelling," I sniffles.

"It's okay, I don't either. How about me and you go get some Ice Cream? Sound like a plan?" He asks. I smile wide and nod. He holds my hand and we head out. He makes me put a jacket on. But I don't mind because it has sparkles on it.

We walk to a small ice cream shop. He gets a vanilla cone and I get a strawberry one. We sit at a table and he makes me laugh because the ice cream went on his nose. I said he looked funny. Once we finished he wiped my face off.

I giggle cause it tickled. On our walk back, I point at a teddy bear in a shop window. "Would you like me to get that for you prince?" He asks. "Would you really Petey?" I ask.

"Of course, anything for my little man," he chuckles. We go in and he gets me the teddy and let's me get a hat for daddy. The hat says 'superdad' on it.

Once we are home I see Daddy in the kitchen. "DADDDYYYY GUESS WHATTTT!" I scream, running into Tony's arms as he hugs me and picks me up. "Hey there baby, what's up?" He asks, kissing my cheek.

"I gots you a gift," I giggle, handing him the hat. He puts it on proudly, "I love it baby."

"Daddy you look so beautiful," I say, smiling at him. "Aww, thanks Hun, you are even more beautiful though," he says, messing up my hair.

Peter walks over and smiles before going to his room. "Did you and Pete have fun?" He asks. "Mhms, we ates ice cream," I say, playing with his hair.

Loki walks in, he seems on edge. "Woki!" I say excitedly. "Hey honeybee, what's up?" He asks. "I wans spen time wif yous," I say, making grabby hands. Tony hands me over and leaves. He seemed jealous.

"What do you want to do little one?" He asks. "I wans play pretend. Iz be Bell and yous be Arora," I giggle. He smiles and next thing I know, I'm in a Bell costume and Loki is in a Arora costume.

"Hurry Arora! Da evil queen got Snowwhite and now she is after us!" I shout as I run into a fort we made of pillows. "Oh but Bell, I'm so tired," he says. I giggle and pull him in.

"Oh no! She is here runnnnn!" He yells. I scream and run. He runs after me. "The evil queen is taking over me," he says. When he catches me he tickles me. I laugh so hard my sides hurt.

"Who dares attack my Prince?" Tony says, scaring the shit out of both me and Loki. Tony then begins chasing Loki around the living area. I laugh my butt off, then Tony jumps on top of Loki.

We all laugh, then Tony makes a remark about Loki's dress. I didn't hear it, but Loki didn't look to happy. Tony seems to upset everyone.

"I think it's time to get something in that tummy of yours, it's dinner time," Tony says, picking me up. "Woki come wif?" I asks. "Yes, I'll come with," Loki says, making his dress disappear and his regular close appear.

Tony makes me some pizza rolls while Loki keeps me distracted. Tony let's Loki feed me, I feed Loki too. Though he wouldn't eat much, he made me eat till my tummy felt all full.

I yawn and cuddle up to Loki. He is so warm. "I think it's bed time for you," Loki says, booping my nose. I let out a tiered giggle.

He stands up and rocks me. "I'll take care of him tonight Tony," Loki says, sounding happy.

"He is mine, but fine," I hear Tony whisper.

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