Friday, May 31st, 2025 6:23 pm

"Rush the boy to surgery, he is bleeding out!" A man says. "Get the girl into a room, she is okay other than a cut, Stitch her up pronto," a different man says. "Yes sir," a female voice sounds.

"What is going on?" Sierra asks, waking up. "You need stitches, but other than that you are okay," a nurse replies. "But where am I?" Sierra asks, looking around. "Stark tower, medical wing ma'am."

Saterday, June 1st, 2025 3:04 am

Jo wakes up in an outrageous amount of pain. He was hooked up to so many different cords and heard only the sound of beeping and... Wait, is someone snoring?

Jo looks over, but yelps at the pain in his neck. He sees movement out of the corner of his eye. He starts to get scared. "Are you awake kid?" A deep raspy voice sounds. He looks over and sees a man, about 6'1, standing next to his bed.

Jo stays quiet, in fear the man might hurt him if he speaks. "You are, can you speak?" The man asks. Jo stares at the unfamiliar man beside him. "My name is Tony Stark, you took quite the hit when I crashed into you. Honestly, I have no clue how you survived without breaking anything other than pulling a muscle in your neck and legs. You caught me, but my suit burned you and you ended up getting a pretty bad cut on your leg," the man speaks.

Jo looks at him, confused and still a little scared. "There is no need to be scared of me kid, I won't do anything that won't benefit you," Tony says, trying to get the boy to talk. After a couple more failed attempts, Tony sits back down in his chair. "You like Spiderman?" He asks.

Jo nods and gets a smile from Tony in return. "I'll get my friend Peter to come and pay you a visit," Tony says, picking up his phone and texting someone. Jo starts to get tired again and falls asleep.

4:23 pm Jo's POV

I wake up and notice I am in a hospital room. My memory is all fuzzy. I'm in a bit of pain, but it is manageable. Then it hits me, a man in a metal suit crashed into me and I caught him.

I look over and see a boy, a little older than me, doing paperwork of some sort. I want to get his attention, but I am afraid to speak. Lucky for me, he looked over and noticed I was awake. "Hello there, I am Peter Parker, but you can call me Peter," he says, walking over to me from the desk he was at.

I look up at him like a confused child. "You are in the hospital wing, but you are okay now. You will be discharged once you feel up to it," Peter says. I nod and try to get up, but he stops me. "Let me call a nurse to unhook you from all these monitors," he offers.

A nurse comes in and unhooks me. I also change into a pair of jeans and a black shirt. I walk, well stumble, walking is hard, over to where Peter is working. I notice he is doing Calculus. He notices me and smiles, "It's pretty hard, I bet you would agree."

I pick up his pencil and work out the problem decently fast. Peter seems a bit surprised, but smiles and claps for me like you would do for a five-year-old doing two plus two.

"If it is okay with you, Mr. Stark has scheduled a test for you to take," Peter announces. I nod, and follow him out of the hospital wing. He takes me to a room and gives me the option of taking the test online or on paper. I know, that the choice is also part of the test. What I choose will influence what they think of me.

I choose paper, it will work best for me. I write down my age, name, and Birthday. 17, Jo, June 6th. The first question was 'What is your favorite colour?' this is their attempt at getting to know all of my personal life and information. They start with innocent questions, but they get more and more specific. Final question, 'What do you know about the Avengers?' my answer to that is, I know very little.

Some of the questions were math related and some were English. I even had some Japanese, Spanish, and French questions. I answered to the best of my ability and even doodled on the paper when I was stuck on a question.

Once I was finished Peter took me to a huge room with a TV and a big couch. There sat Tony Stark. He seemed to be looking at my test and examining it, once he noticed us, he sat it down in a folder that said 'Jo's S.W.O.R.D File' it confused me. I wonder where Sierra is.

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