10:17pm Sierra's POV

Nat and Bucky take pictures and laugh at the one with me and Loki having a sword fight with candles.

Jo opens his presents and Tony helps. So cute, maybe Tony will be Jo's Bucky. After presents, Nat takes me to my room. I put on my PJs and she tucks me in.

"Could you tell me a story?" I whisper. She smiles and sits on my bed. "Of course, there once was a girl named Marilyn. She was an orphan as a child. She was rescued during an attack on Stalingrad by a man named Ivan Petrovitch Bezukhov, who looked after and trained the girl. As she grew older, Marilyn's talents caught the attention of Soviet Intelligence, soon to be known as the KGB, and was recruited into their ranks. Somewhere along the line she met a team of Superheroes. They helped her even though she pushed them away at first. Now she has a lovely daughter and is living happily ever after."

I fall asleep after that.

June 7th 2025 4:32am Jo's POV

I wake up from a nightmare and shoot up. I start to cry, that's when I feel two arms wrap around me. "Shhh, it's okay. I got you. Daddy has you," Tony whispers. He calms me down, then holds me for a while. The silence doesn't bother us.

Tony's hand touches mine, then something happens that I have never experienced. I flash back through his life, I see everything from his pains and sadness to his most happiest memories. I see his crook deals and his lies along with all his truths.

Wow, he did a lot of research on Littlespace and the therapeutic ways of it. Then I see how nervous he was to enter my room last night.

He moves his hand away quickly and looks at me. "Are you okay? That was quite the shock?" He asked, talking about static. I nod and go to stand up. "Don't leave baby," he says softly.

I sit down and look at him and sigh. "I know you want to go do research, but you need a break," he says, sitting up next to me.

I look at the door. "You are a very smart kid, and your curiosity gets the best of you sometimes. I think you need to just relax okay?" He says, putting an arm around me.

The sun starts to shine through his blinds. The room looks so depressing. So empty, so dark. I'll change that for him.

"I think it's time for you to get dressed, but first I need to," he says, standing up. I watch as he dresses his muscular body. Not in a weird way, get your mind out the gutters.

Then he looks at me and smiles. He grabs some clothes from a draw and walks over to me. "I bought these for you, but first let's get you out of these clothes," he says happily.

He seems so happy, I don't want to ruin it. So I let him undress me. He puts a skirt and a big sweater on me. How did he know I like skirts?

Then he fixes my hair along with his own. He did everything with a baby voice. He is trying to regress me. I don't know whether or not I should fight it.

He picks me up and carries me out to the kitchen. Everyone looks at us shocked. Then Natasha gives them a scary look and they stop staring. "What should I get him to eat Tony?" Wanda asks.

"Scrambled eggs please," Tony says, handing me to Bruce. Bruce holds me sternly, kind of too tight. I look in the kitchen and almost die. I start choking and Bruce smacks my back. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod vigorously.

I just saw Harry Fucking Styles. I feel light headed. "Uhh, Tony.... He is very pale.." Bruce says nervously. "One Moment Eros," Tony says, running over to us.

"Oh my, he looks bad, maybe we should get some food in his system," Tony says worriedly. Wanda sets a small plate of scrambled eggs on the table and Bruce sits down with me on his lap. I wasn't expecting this.

He feeds me the eggs and I calm down. Woah, I saw Harry Styles, in this universe? Tony comes back with Harry Styles. "Team, I'd like to introduce a new member. Eros, yes I know who his brother is. If the Media ask about him, call him STARFOX," Tony announces.

Everyone greats him, then he looks at me. "Why hello there cutie," Eros says. I blush and hide my face in Bruce's chest. "Tony, this is adorable," Bruce says as he stands up. He hands me to Eros and it takes everything in me not to flip the fuck out. I am far from Littlespace right now.

Tony realizes this and sighs. "You don't have to hold him, he is big," Tony says. Eros shrugs and walks out of the room with me. "I like you, and you like me," he whispers. "I don't even need to use my powers," he says, walking into a room that I presume is his.

"Now I am only going to do this if you consent to it, you know what I mean, I can tell because you are reading my mind," he says. My eyes widen when he says that. How does he know I'm reading his mind.

"Your secret is safe with me darling," he whispers in my ear. I don't know how to react. Then BOOOM!

OH SHIT, WHAT WAS THAT? I run out of the room, straight into Tony's arms. I'm shaking, why am I shaking. "HIDE THE BOY!" Yelena shouts. Tony picks me up and runs into his room.

The tower begins to shake, and loud crashes could be heard. "LOCKDOWN MODE ON MY ROOM NOW!" Tony yells. The room then goes dark. Tony turns on his light and starts to send message.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" That was not an Avenger.

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