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Friday, May 31st, 2025 5:46 pm

A portal opens up and sucks the two teens in. Once inside, they end up in a city full of chaos. Buildings are burning and falling, bombs are exploding. The faint sound of screaming echoed in their heads. The sky is darkened, filled with smoke and ash.

The sky lights up with a red glow. A man in a metal suit comes crashing down into one of the teens. A humongous purple man walks over, then snaps.

Friday, May 31st, 2025 9:52 am

"Wake up Jo, you have your speech today!" Sierra says cheerfully while shaking the sleepy boy awake. Jo hops up, still half asleep, and heads into the bathroom. He walks out dressed in a suit and his hair curled perfectly. "Toss me my shoes, we have things to do before graduation," the boy says with a smile on his face.

10:32 am

"Coffee, flowers, thank you cards," Jo lists. "Chill man, everything is taken care of, drink your pumpkin spice Lotte and lets pick up and deliver the list of stuff you ordered. Everything is in, so don't stress," Sierra says to the stressed young man.

"Okay, first, the flowers. They are at Jay-Z Lina Floral," he says, sipping his drink.

12:37 pm

"Okay, all that is left is to deliver," Sierra says, carrying a box of donuts. "Yes, and the teachers will love the donuts," Jo says.

5:43 pm

"Jo, breath. You got this. Your speech is amazing and they will love it," Sierra says to the stressed boy. Jo calms down slightly and takes a drink of water. "Yeah, I got this. What is the worst that could happen? WOAH, WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?" Jo screams as a portal opens up.

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