Part 1: The incident

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Before the incident...

-3rd person-

Wait ... wait.... don't do this she's only 8 years old, a kid. Please don't do this. She doesn't know anything about this.

Then you'll die along with your husband and your children." The men said with a smirk and joy on his face."

No no please leave my children their innocent and don't know better. "The mother said with a scared look on her face. Crying and begging on her knees for her children to not be in the situation."

Mommy? "A girl walking in the living room tired and confused with the fuss"

Tessa go back to bed sweetie." The mother said with surprised that her daughter was standing there looking confused."

Mommy what's going on? "The little girl said"

Tessa everything's okay sweetie just go to bed. "The mother said walking towards her daughter and picking her up.

Why are you crying and who is that man right by daddy? "The little girl pressed."

It's nothing Tessa just do as your told and go to bed. yeah? "The mother said putting down her daughter waiting for Tessa to leave the area."

Okay mommy good night daddy and mommy. "The little girl went back to her room and fell back asleep."

So, what's it going to be? All of you die or your girl dies. "The man says with a tired look on his face, looking at the mother."

You leave our children out of this. "The father says getting scared and angry."

"The mean man grabs the knife he was holding be hide his head and asked again."

All of you or the girl?

I won't let you take my girl away from me. "The mother says knowing what's going to happened"

Fine then your husband dies first. "The man says stabbing the father in the stomach"

NOOOO..."The mother cries out screaming seeing her husband fall.

-After the kill-

"The mother cries and cries over the bodies in front of her. There was nothing she could do besides sit down chained up and cry."

MOMMY. "The girl tries running to her mother crying, but the man stops her from doing so and tie her to a chair."

NOO NOT HER PLEASE NOT HER. "The mother screams as she sees her daughter kicking and screaming in the chair."

You all don't deserve to live at all. No one knows what you are. hell, your own daughter doesn't even know what you are. You're not supposed to be here. "The man says walking around the mother looking at her daughter."

please not her. let her live she hasn't even reached the age yet she only 8 years old please, I'm begging you, let her live. "The mother says begging for her girl to live."

Fine if it will shut you up. then fine she lives but you go. "The man says untying the mother and leaving the girl with the other man who never spoke a single word."

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