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I woke up before neymar and davi and started making breakfast. I made smoothie bowls. Davi loves smoothies. I'm surprised they didn't take up from the blender noise. I'm also surprised neymar has so much food I feel like he orders
food all the time.

I look threw his cabinets and find three bowls. I scoop the acai bowl into the bowls and add some granola and cut up banana.

I hold all the bowls trying not to drop them walking up neymars long ass stair case.

I open the door with my elbow and davi is just waking up.

"Bom dia mama"

"Bom dia baby"

I sit next to him on the bed and hand him a bowl.

"Daddy wake up!" davi says. Neymar slowly opens his eyes and davi starts laughing.

"Who are you laughing at davi?!" neymar says playfully.

"You daddy" he giggles and neymar starts tickling him.

"Boys you're going to spill them!" I say and they both stop.

"Davi what do you want to do today?" I say taking a bit of acai.

"I want to watch Christmas movies with you and daddy!" he smiles.

"Okay baby"

"I have to go to training today baby but ill be home later"

David pouts and neymar pulls him in a hug.

"I know I'm sorry baby"

"Neymar how will I get my car from last night?" I ask.

"I had someone drive it back this morning it's in the garage."

"I think I'll take davi home soon"

"Whatttt stay here" know neymar fake pouts. I see where davi gets it from.

"We can come back later maybe"


After me and davi got home I showerd and gave davi a bath. It's pouring outside and it's almost December 1st! I literally love Christmas so much.

Me and davi were snuggling on the couch watching Elf when the I heard the doorbell ring.

I walk up to the door and it's neymars ex.

"Hey girl"

I don't even know what to say. How does she know where I live! I step outside and close the door so davi doesn't hear us.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm just warning you babe, stay the fuck away from neymar."

"He's my kids father how can I do that?"

"I don't know but figure out a way or else bitch."

"Or else what?" I ask with attitude.

"I'll leak you're address and Instagram. We wouldn't want poor Davi to be in danger would we" we asks fake pouting.

"What's ur fucking problem!"

"You. Neymar is mine luna so back the fuck off."

She walks away. I walk back inside and davi looks worried.

"What happened mama?"

"Nothing baby lets watch the movie."

I sit on the couch and he lays his head on my lap.

What is her problem! I don't know what to do..
Should I tell neymar? Or just ignore her?

Fuck I don't know what to do.

"Davi I'm going to go to the bathroom."

I get up and go upstairs to call neymar. I think it's best if I call him. Right?

I call his phone and he doesn't answer. He must be practicing fuck.

I get a random text from my manager. What? She never texts me.

Luna. We are releasing you from this position. Someone has informed us that you have been selling the hospitals products illegally. Thank you for your time here.

What? I think my heart literally stopped. That fucking bitch did this! I feel tears come out of my eyes. Ever since neymar came into my life it's been getting worse!

"Why me god" I cry on my bed. Davi opens my door and comes in.

"Mama why are you sad" he comes on my bed and hugs me.

"Davi I love you so much you know that right"

He nods and speaks up. "Mama I love you more!"

I laugh and wipe my tears. Neymar calls me and I decline. I text him to come over after he's done and he said he's on his way.

Me and davi walk back down stairs and no fucking way I just got fired. I'm trying my best not to cry in front of davi.

He looks so mesmerized by the show and I was so into my thoughts I didn't even hear neymar come in.

"Hi daddy" davi says and neymar kisses him.

"Davi me and daddy are going to talk upstairs okay?"

He nods and neymar follows me to my room.

Right as soon as I get in I start crying. He looks shocked and doesn't know what to do at first but he hugs me.

"Neymar I don't think this is going to workout." I say in between sobs.

"Why not?" he says trying to comfort me.

"Bruna- she.." I feel almaot scared to say anything. What if he confronts her and she actually leaks my address. She already got me

"Luna tell me what she did." he says angrily.

"She came to the house this morning and she told to stay away from you and she starting saying how she will leak my address-"

"Fuck!" he yells and runs his fingers threw his hair.

"Neymar she got me fired" I cry into my hands and he sits next to me.

"I worked so fucking hard to get that job!" I say sadly.

"Luna you need to come live with me. She's is fucking crazy! It's safer if you and davi are with me. I have security 24/7. Please luna all I want to do is make sure you and davi are safe." he says obviously stressed out.

dedicated || Neymar andDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora