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I decided to go to the modeling thing and give it a try. This while week neymar has been so caring and I almost forgot about bruna.

Once I arrive the building looks plain until I stepped inside. It was decorated with fancy painting and fancy furniture.

"Hello ma'am how may I help you today?"

"I have an interview with luis-"

"Okay right this way."

She gets up and walks me to an elevator. The elevator is surrounded my mirrors and has fancy flooring.

We walk down a long hallway in scilence. She leads me to a huge glass door with a amazing few of the city.

"Luis Luna is here."
How did she know my name?

"Ahh luna come have a seat!" he says exitedly.

I sit on his big black leather couch and he gives me a glass of champagne.

"I'm Luis" he sticks his hand out and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you!" I say friendly.

He sits across from me on the other couch.

"So have you ever molded before?"

I shake my head no and he looks surprised.

"Really? You're stunning, I think you would be a great fit here. We should shoot you a couple times a week and do colabs with brands. Those would be our more heavy weeks."

I nod listening to all the information.

"Have you thought about modeling lingerie?"

I almost choke on my champagne.

"No not really..."

"Okay well lets change that! Let's try on some things and see what we like!" he gets up and I follow him all the way to another floor.

We walk into a huge room with a bunch of lights and white walls.

There's a bunch of cameras and people on their phones, eating and talking. He takes me to a rack of very showy outfits and asks my size.

He picks out a few and asks me to try them on. I try on the first one and baby pink and lacey. The light pink compliments my skin tone well. My ass is hanging out of the tiny panties it came with.

I walk out and his jaw drops at the sight. I think he's gay though so it's not like that.

"Babe you are stunning!" he says and another person walks over.

"Are we shooting her?"

Luis looks at me and I shrug.

"Okay okay come!"

He grabs my arm and pulls me into one of the white walls area.

A few people gather around and start watching.

Luis sigs on a stoop behind a camera and starts telling me how to pose. He starts clicking the camera and tells me to smile.

"Look at the beautiful smile!" he yells and I laugh.

Simone brings in a white stool and luis shows me how to poss and how my face should be. Honestly I kind of like modeling.

"Luna you're a natural!"

He calls me over and I start looking at some of the pictures. Damn I look hot.

"We will print some out for you" he walks over to somewhere else and I walk over to the dressing room finding my phone.

I got a missed facetime call from neymar who's watching davi.

I call him back and he answers at the first ring.

"Are you naked?" he says worridly. I start laughing at his face and I hear davi say hi.

"Hi davi! I miss you"

"I miss you to mama" he makes a kissy face and I smile. Neymar flips the phone back to his faceand has a skeptical look.

"But seriously what do they have you wearing?"

I think for a second and if I'm going to model neymar will see me in something like this eventually.

I flip camera and show myself In the body mirror.

"Holy fuck.." he mutters.

I quickly flip the camera back and laugh at his face.

"What happens daddy?" I hear davi say.

"Davi you're mom is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen" davi laughs and my heart melts. I'm so grateful to have my boys in my life.

"Luna?" I hear luis call.

"I got to go love you guys!" 

I hang up throw my sweat shirt on really quick.

I open the door and luis is standing there holding a bunch of photos.

"You can keep the set! Once your ready we can go back to my office to discuss the contract."

I nod and close the door. I put my clothes back on walk back out following luis all the way back to his office.

Once were seated we start talking about contracs.

"I know this is all knew to you so I think we should start with a one year contract."

I nod and he starts telling me more about the job and what the main parts are. I won't only be modeling lingerie which I like.

I ended up signing the contract...


I'm so tired. It's been such a long day all i want to do is take a bath and go to sleep.

I park my car at neymars and open the door with my key he gave me.

I walk into the kitchen and get some water while I look at the pictures luis gave me. I'm starting to iverthink signing the contract.

I think I was such in the moment I just signed.. I hope its not a bad decision. Maybe it could be a new start from me getting out of the medical field.

Someone grabs my waist and kisses my neck. I almaot scream from the sudden touch till I realize it's neymar.

He stops a for a second and looks at the pictures. He lifts one up and stares at it for a little longer.

"God you're beautiful" he says lowly and I smile.

"did you sign?" he asks and I nod. He looks a little surprised at first.

"For a year.. I hope it was the right decision."

"Of course it was luna, you look like a natural in these"

I smile and he hugs me again. He brings his lips to my ears and slowly whispers something.

"Are you still wearing it?" he asks quietly. I nod and I can just see the smirk he has.

He grabs my hand and takes me to his room.

"Wheres davi?"

"We got his bed from you're house and made him a room. He's already asleep and he took a bath earlier"

I smile feeling some relief in my shoulders. Neymar is such a good dad.

I take off my hoodie leaving the light pink laced bra on with my jeans. Neymar looks at me and I swear I could see hearts in his eyes.

I laugh at his face and he grabs my waist pulling me into a tight hug.

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