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I haven't seen neymar in a few days because we've both been busy with work and training. Honestly neymar is all davi talks about. I face time him every night on Davis request to say goodnight.

David literally thinks he's the coolest person In the world. All his football tricks and he's bought davi so many gifts to make up the time he's lost.

I have to admit it but neymar has proven that he can actually be a good dad and take care of davi. Tonight is a Friday night and I have plans to go out with some friends.

I am thinking of calling neymar to watch davi but I second guess myself. He's a famous football
Player he most definitely is busy. Maybe I should just try.

I click on his contact and call. He answers immediately.

"Hey luna what's up?"
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Ohhh you want to go on a date?!" he asks excitedly.
"No dumbass can you watch davi or no? Cause im
Hanging up soon."
"Yea of course where are you going?"
"On a date"
It's quite for a second and I start laughing loudly.
"I'm just kidding I'm Going out with some friends"

I hear him sigh.

"I'll be over in half an hour is that okay?"
I hang up and finish doing my makeup.

I'm wearing a short knitted tan dress with long sleeves. My hair is in a ponytail while the ends are curled.

I put on some false lashes that are making my eyes burn but it's worth it.

I put on some black heels and grab my purse.

I see davi watching football on the tv and he doesn't notice me. I sneak up behind him and hug him.

"Davi baby ill miss you soooooo much!"

"Mommy can we play football with daddy tomorrow?" he asks with a big smile.

"Well see okay?"

Neymar walks in threw the door. Who told him he could do that cause it definitely wasn't me.

"Daddy!" davi runs off the couch and hugs his leg.

Neymar is holding a huge bouquet of red roses with a white bow.

"Daddy doesn't mama look beautiful!" davi says happily.

"Yes she does" he smirks.

He hands me the bouquet and I stare at them. They're beautiful. I think there's literally a hundred roses in here. Am I giving neymar mixed signals..?

I can't think about this right know.
"Theyre beautiful thank you" I smile and put them on the counter.

"Davi listen to you're daddy okay? Bed time at 8" I kiss his cheek and hug him. I smile at neymar and walk out the door.

I get in my range rover and turn on the heater. I love my car so much. Not as much as davi though.

I turn on some Lana del rey and drive to my friends house. She is one rich girl I must say. She is married to a famous basketball player.

Once I arrive I see all my friends cars and walk into the huge mansion. They're all sitting at her outside bar and scream when they see me. I'm guessing there drunk already.

Lisa runs and hugs me and starts laughing.
"Girl let's get you a shot because you need to tell
Us all about it!"

I hope they don't know about neymar cause that's a long story.

I sit down at the bar and she hands me a shot.

"Wait but I'm driving home"
I say before I put the shot in my mouth.

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