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I walk back into neymars room and to get him for his x-ray.

It's quite because we both don't know what to say. I help him up and he puts all his weight on me.

"Can you walk on it?" he puts his foot down and takes a shark breath in.

"No" I nod and grab the crutches.

Once we get in the room I help him sit down we still won't say a word. I know he going to speak up soon.

"Stay still"
I out the huge camera over his leg and we let it sit for a few minutes so the image is clear.

"Can I please meet him luna? I'll do anything"

I hear him whisper.

"I'm sorry I left you luna. I'm sorry I want there for you when you genuinely needed me. I should have been there for you and my son-"

The machine beeps and I wipe my tear quickly before he sees it.

I push the camera aside from his leg and look deep into his light green eyes.

"Neymar what you did to me was horrible, I never want a relationship with you even as friends but I want my son to have a father figure in his life."

His eyes light up and he softly smiles.

"I'm so so sorry luna"

I start to show him the X-rays and it just looks like a really bad sprain. It needs to be wrapped and iced but no need for a cast.

"How long till I can play?" he asks.

"I would say like 4 weeks maybe?" I say unsure.

"What team do you play for know?" I ask trying to lighten the mood.

"Psg I'm surprised you don't know"

I roll my eyes annoyed with his cockiness. He used to be so full of himself.

I leave the room to grab some wrap and ice. When I get back he's scrolling on his phone without a care in the world. That's what makes me mad. He needs to care more.

Why am I even giving him a second thought..

I place a soft towel over his ankle and the ice over it. I carefully wrap his ankle up progressively getting tighter.

I can feel his eyes on me.

"Dont forget to blink babe" I smirk looking up at him matching his cokiness from a few minutes ago.

"I don't want to miss a second looking at you" he winks and starts laughing. His laugh is so fun to listen too. I missed it.

WAIT! Luna stop thinking like that! Youve been with him for an hour and you're already being nice?

Wait do I actually want davi to meet him? What if he takes davi from me?


"What neymar" I ask annoyed.

"When can I meet him? Tonight?"

"I'll have to think about it."

And with that I hand him his crutches and walk out the door.

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