Chapter 17

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I continued to write in the Hero's vs. Villains book. "Are you close" Gold asked me. "Almost, I just need one last detail" I said and Gold looked at me confused "your son, Neil" I said "don't toy with me, magic can't bring back the dead" Gold said continuing to sit on the ground. "No, it can't, this pen and ink can only change a past it has created. Which is why I have to write your new story from this moment forward and into the future. But, in your new life, I can make you forget Neil" I said with a straight face, not enjoying this at all.

"I want my memories of him, but maybe with a slight adjustment. I would like a world where I remember doing right by my boy. Where he may be gone, but I can live with that loss. Where Bae sees me as a hero right at the end" Gold said "so lie" I said and Gold glares at me as I write a little more. "Almost done, now, give me Peter's heart" I said mad. "After you finish" Gold said and I vamp-sped over to him, holding a tight grip around his neck as he sat on the floor.

"I wrote you your dame happy endings now give me mine" I said through clenched teeth. "And how do I know you won't run off with the book and Peter" Gold choked out. "I won't, now tell me where it's at" I said and Gold sighed before nodding slightly and I released my grip around his neck, making him rub his throat. Gold waved his hand and Peter stood in the middle of the room. "Peter" I said with a smile and I stood up at he just looked at me blankly.

My smile fell and I turned to Gold "where's his heart" I asked, my anger slowly returning. "I'll give him his heart when you finish" Gold said and I sighed before going back behind the desk and writing a little more to the story before writing "The end." Everything shook around us and there was a huge light before I closed my eyes and felt everything become still. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a bedroom. I sat up and saw I was in my old castle in my old room, but it looked different.

Everything in the room was dark and black. I stood up and realized I was wearing black high heels that seemed to work liked vines up my legs. I walked over to the mirror to see that my hair was in all curls and parted to the side. I had dark red lipstick on and the same black dress that Peter had given to me a long time ago back in Neverland on. I had black eyeliner on and my eyes staid a red color. I heard talking going on downstairs and turned to my door before opening it.

I could hear Snow White speaking and my heels clanked against the black flooring. "Now, what do we remove first, your fingers, or your ears" Snow asked a man who was kneeling to the ground. I had to follow the book. "Now, now Snow" I said opening the doors and entering the room. "I always go with the heart first" I said with a smirk and Snow and the seven dwarf turned to me. "Your highness" the dwarfs said and bowed to me.

I saw this tiny man with short black hair and dressed in black paints and a gray shirt with nice shoes. "Who are you" I asked the man "my name is Kyle, please, I hate Regina as much as you do. I'm on your side" Kyle said and I looked at him confused, not remembering putting a Kyle in my the book. "Technically, you're at my feet" Snow said in a bit of an angry voice. "We want the same thing, to keep everything in this realm exactly how it is, with you in charge. A boy just arrived in this land, he fancies himself a hero. He wants to take away everything you have, somebody has to stop him" Kyle said.

Snow pulled out a heart "get in here" she yelled and the double doors opened. "Finally, someone listens to me" Snow says. "No need to yell, snow, I will always find you" Prince Charming said. "I'm sorry, you will always find me, what" Snow asked "I will always find you, your majesty" Prince Charming said and his eyes moved to look at me for a split second. "Daughter" David said "father" I said with a blank face. "Will you please help me with something? Remove his head" Snow said and turned around "of course, your majesty" Charming said and took out his sword.

"No, no, no, you don't understand, I can help you! I know things, I know who Snow White really loves" Kyle said and everyone stopped. I looked at him deeply confused and trying to figure out how he knew any of this. "What did you say" Snow asked and turned to him. "You had a twin brother, James. He was the one who Snow truly loved before the tragedy" Kyle said to David before looking at Snow. "Want me to kill him, your majesty? Save you both the trouble" I said stepping in "let him speak. How do you know this" Snow asked?

"A magical book told me everything about this land. James was cruel, like you. You understood each other, you fell in love. It was everything, but then, because of Regina, he died. So you took Charming's heart and you forced him to be yours, but it never satisfied you. He's just a pale imitation of his brother, it's a sad story. But it can still have a happy ending" Kyle said. "How" Snow asked "I know exactly where to find Regina. Revenge can be yours" Kyle said. "And what is it that you want in return, aside from your life" I asked?

"The boy I told you about, Henry, he'll be trying to help Regina. I want you to kill them both" Kyle said and glanced over at me for a second. "Gladly, Star, take care him for me" Snow said. "Gladly" I said and grabbed his arm tightly before walking out of the room. I ended up walking him to my room and shut the door behind him before vamp-speeding him against a wall, my hand around his throat. "Who are you" I asked angry "I can explain everything, just please, put me down" Kyle said holding his hands up.

I sighed before letting him go "start talking" I said. "My name is Kyle, I'm the new Author" Kyle said and I looked at him surprised. "That's imposable" I said "well, the second you made this new world, someone had to be the Arthur and right before you created this world I was named the new Author" Kyle said. "Wait, so the Sorcerer is back" I asked "yes, Emma resurrected him" Kyle said nodding. "So the Sorcerer just thought he could create a new Author just like that" I asked?

"No, he needed someone to come to this place and stop you" Kyle said. "So that's why your here" I said. "Actually, no, see I always wanted this world to be like this place. I was measly a citizen in a castle, but now I can control it all. But I don't have the pen and I need it to write a sequel" Kyle said. I looked at him up and down "lets see how much you really know. Who am I in this castle" I asked circling him slowly as I asked questions.

"You are known as the princess of this castle, also Snow Whites adopted daughter, the worst villain ever" Kyle said. "And Charming" I asked "you were given a choice to have your heart taken out or to work with the queen and you choice the queen. Snow has Charming's heart and the only reason he won't do anything to himself is for you" Kyle said. "And what about me, why don't I just leave this place" I asked "that's a trick question. You can leave, anytime just as long as you don't interfere with the queen's doings" Kyle said watching me as I circled him.

"One last question, what about Peter" I asked? Kyle sighed "Mary Margret has his heart and you two are madly in love with each other and she lets you visit him at times" he said. I studied him before sighing "so you say Henry is in this place, how" "he came threw the book just like I did" Kyle said. "Where is he" I quickly asked with no emotion on my face. The last I heard he was off to Blackbeard's ship to go after Emma" Kyle said.

"Great, thank you" I said before vamp-speeding out of there "wait, how do I get out" Kyle yelled after me but I was already gone, off to Emma's prison.

Please comment if you have any questions. Thinking of changing the book cover before i end this book, what do you think?

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