Chapter 14

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Regina decided to come with us to get Robin and bring him and his son back to Storybrook. Emma hugged Henry "be good, kid. I'll see you when I get back" Emma said and Hook walked up to her to say goodbye. "Bye dad" I said hugging him "be careful" "always am" I said with a smile and hugged Mary Margret goodbye too. I walked up to Peter "keep the fort down for me"? "You know I will" Peter said and wrapped his arms around me.

"Please be careful" Peter whispered in my ear "I will, don't worry" I said and pulled away, grabbing his hands. "Just, promise me you won't find a new guy in this new town" Peter said and I laughed. "I am married to you Peter" I said and he laughed before kissing me goodbye. Regina walked up to us "did you get what you needed" Emma asked? "I'm not going into a land without magic without bringing some of our own. The Snow Queen's scroll, in case we have any trouble getting through the cloak put around this town" Regina said.

"Sounds good, let's get out of her" Emma said and we headed to her yellow jeep. Emma's cell phone rang as we walked and we stopped and Emma looked at it before sighing "what is it? Something on Lily" I asked "yeah, one of my contacts found an address. But it's five years old" Emma said confused "Emma, what is it" Regina asked? "This is in Lowell, Massachusetts, which is less than 30 miles outside of Boston, which is where I lived five years ago. Lily and I grew up in Minnesota, separated as kids, and ended up living less than an hour apart as adults" Emma asked?

"It's fate, you're connected. It's been pushing you together" I told Emma "it may have been pushing us together as kids, but last time I saw her, I'm the one who pushed her away" Emma said as we got in the car. "What exactly happened between you two" I asked poking my head into the front seat. Emma looked forward and sighed before she started the car and we drove off.

After driving for about an hour we arrived at the address where Lily was supposed to be. It was this run down building where you swear everyone in that building did drugs or was once homeless and still hasn't gotten the picture that their not anymore. "Why did I go through the trouble of creating Storybrook when I could have cursed everyone to live here" Regina said when we reached the door.

"Even my cabin was better than this" I said looking around. Emma takes a deep breath before knocking on the door. "Yeah" I man says behind us and we turn around "oh, sorry to disturb you. We're just looking for Lilith Page, is she around" I asked "no, she ain't around, not for years" the man said. "You know where she moved" Emma asked "lady, she ain't moving anywhere, she's dead" the man said and Emma's face fell and was replaced with shock and sadness.

"What" Emma asked "car wreck a couple years back, pretty sure she was drunk. Not that anyone missed her. I mean, she was a weird one, kept to herself. 'Course, she had one of those personalities that you wanted to stay far away from, a real loser" the man said. With every word Emma grew angrier and jumped on his, strangling him "she was my friend" Emma yelled. Regina and I quickly ran over to her "Emma, Emma, stop, it's not worth it" I said and Emma let the man go before walking away. "Hey, you okay" Regina asked Emma who looked angry. "I'm fine, I'm absolutely fine" Emma said.


"Why did you call me Gold" Maleficent asked me annoyed "I came to over a deal" I said. "Not happening, right now Emma, Regina, and Bailey are out getting my daughter as we speak" she said. I smiled "so the Author left" I said nodding my head "from what I heard she has her heart back" I said and Maleficent's face showed confusion. "How did you hear about that" "word gets around fast in a small town" I said. She was silent.

"See, I need something down and I can easily do it but I need know something first, where is Peter Pan" I asked Maleficent. "And why would I tell you that" "because you and I both know that all I want is the Author" I said. "Yes, and you being you, you will use that boy to get to Bailey" she said. I chuckled "you are wrong on that, but also right; tell me where he is or I'll take matters into my own hands" I said.

Maleficent looked at me before turning and leaving. I sighed as I stood in the woods "I heard you were looking for me" Peter's voice said behind me and I turned to see him. "You really do appear out of nowhere" I said and fully turned to face him and Peter nodded. "What do you want" Peter asked me "very simple" I said walking up to him and stood in front of him before reaching threw his chest and grabbing his heart, ripping it out of his body.

Peter held onto his chest and looked at me confused "what are you doing"? I held his heart in my hands and said in it "when Bailey returns to Storybrook you will take her heart and rip it out of her chest, turning her dark again" I said with a smile and Peter nodded to me.


"Want to talk about what happened back there" Regina asked Emma as we drove in the car, heading back to Storybrook. "Nope" Emma said looking forward "you nearly put that guy through a wall" I said. "Look, I know what you both are thinking, but what happened back there wasn't me turning dark. It was, mourning a friend. Can you understand that" Emma asked "Emma, you know you're not responsible for what happened to her" I said. "You sure, you heard what that guy said. Her life wasn't pretty, it was dark, that darkness was meant for me. Or could have been" Emma started "Emma" Regina yelled.

A wolf stood in the middle of the road, making Emma turn her car and stop suddenly. Everyone quickly got out and stood in the road as the wolf looked at us before running into the woods. This has happened before, the wolf in the road and an accident, the first time I tried to leave Storybrook" Emma said. I looked at Emma "I know" I said and Regina and her looked at me confused. "I put the wolf her to help you find this place" I said. "Stop overthinking, it's not fate, it's just a flat" Regina said kicking the flat tire. "We need a new tire" I said "unless fate wants you to go to the coffee mug diner for help; I'd chalk it up to "accidents will happen." I'll get a tire, you two get some coffee" Regina said and we started to walk towards the gas station.

Emma and I walked into the dinner and sat down "Hi" the waitress said "hey, three cups of coffee and a pack of Advil. Make it two packs" Emma said with a sigh "Emma, it's not your fault" I said. Emma was silent as the waitress came back and filed up the cups "tough day"? "You don't know the half of it" Emma said "I'll leave the pot here, then. I'll be right back with your Advil" the waitress said as Emma looked at the girl with wide eyes before she walked away.

Regina walked into the diner and sat between Emma and I "car's being towed in" "what's wrong" I asked Emma. "See another wolf" Regina asked "it, it's her, the waitress is Lily" Emma said and Regina and my eyes went wide.

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