Chapter 13

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I sat in David's apartment as Hook, Emma, Henry, Peter, David, Mary Margret, and Regina sat around me, waiting to hear my story. "When you're an Author it's something that is just given to you, you don't really have a choice in the matter. For me it was a little different. There is always an Author, no matter what and they are that Author until the day they die or they disobey the rules. My mother, she was the Author. Had been for years and she loved it or that's what I've heard" I said looking at the ground then at everyone.

"My mom didn't know she had powers because at first she really didn't, until she wrote it in for herself. The Sorcerer warned her that if she didn't use her powers wisely then she wouldn't have them. My mom was born to be called Elsa, but when she became the Author she was known as Shelby. She wanted a new life and a new start, with her powers. The Sorcerer told my mother that she couldn't fall in love with any of the stories" "because it would ruin their happy endings" Mary Margret said and I nodded.

"Shelby promised she wouldn't, until it came to David's story. When she was writing his backstory she started to fall in love with him. When she made herself known she thought that they would just be friends, but it didn't end like that" I said. David looked at the ground as I spoke. "The Sorcerer told her that if she went down this path then she would suffer. She was going to leave until she found something out" I said and paused.

"She found out about you" Emma said and I nodded "yes, when she found out she was pregnant she could leave David" I said and turned to David who finally look at me. "He told her that she would suffer, she just didn't know it would cast her, her life" I said and looked at the ground. "The Sorcerer needed a new Author now, and I was perfect for it. So when I was old enough I learned all the secrets and rules of being the Author and I started to write" I said.

"Even when Hook took me I still was the Author. One of the rules for being the Author though was that I couldn't write anything about me. So when I would write I couldn't write anything about me. I would have to write around it" I said "so you couldn't write your escape" Henry said and I looked at him and smiled slightly. I looked at David "I had blamed you for not saving me and for falling in love with Mary Margret but you weren't to blame. I had to be the one to set things back on tract, even if it meant that I were to stay locked up in a cabin for the rest of my life" I said.

David sighed "when Hook took me to Neverland, the one rule that had plaid in my head was that I could not fall in love with anyone from the stories. But when I met Peter, I realized he wasn't in the story, he wasn't something that I was writing about" I said and looked at Peter and smiled. "So you fell in love with him" Emma said "yes, but when I had to return back to the Enchanted Forest I didn't want to leave Peter. So I wanted to die, that would be the only way for me to stop being the Author" I said.

"But the Sorcerer didn't have that idea and didn't something he should have" I said. "He changed you into a vampire" Hook said and I nodded. "He didn't know that I would spin out of control or what would happen. I continued to write the stories" I started "wait, but where was your heart" David asked? I looked at Peter "with Peter" I said and Peter took my hand. "I was supposed to be locked away, to not be the Author but something happened to the Sorcerer and now he can't make a new Author. I am still the Author until the day the Sorcerer comes back" I said.

"Wait, so when Peter gave you back your heart" Mary Margret started but I finished for her. "Then I wouldn't be a vampire, but I would still be the Author which means that I would still have my magic". "So, you do have magic" David said almost a mumble and I nodded "yes, but not as powerful as Regina and Emma" I said. "So you can write the happy endings" Regina said, getting hope in her eyes about Robin and her. "Yes, but only if they're in Storybrook" I said and Regina's hope was gone. "I'm sorry Regina, I didn't have it plain that Robin would leave" I said.

Regina looked at the ground in silence "besides I couldn't write anything even if I wanted to. The pen that I use to write isn't even here, I hid it away so I didn't have to worry about writing anything, even though I still did, just not always in the book" I said. "So the library full of empty Story books, they were yours" Henry said "yes" I said looking at him. "So where is this pen" Hook asked and I looked at him a bit hesitant to tell them. "That's the thing, I don't remember, being under Gold's spell made me forget things" I said.

Every sighed when I told them this "there's more, right now Gold is looking for the pen" I said. "Well that's not a problem, it's not like he can do anything with it right" Regina asked? "No, he can't, but we all know that if he has this pen then he'll use it against me to write his happy endings" I said. "Wait, does Gold even know any of this" Emma asked? "Not all of it as far as he knows I'm still at the cabin under the villain spell and still a vampire" I said.

"Can I ask you something" Henry asked and I looked at him and nodded "yeah, of course". "Can you turn back into a vampire" Henry asked and I sighed "yes, but I can't do it. If you take out my heart again then I will" I said with a sigh "so in a way you really can't die" Regina said. "I can if you crush my heart, just like every other person" I said "me being the Author or even a vampire doesn't change that" I said and everyone was silent. "Well, at least we don't get board in this town" Peter said with a sigh.

Emma stood up "I'm going after Gold, he made this happen, he needs to answer for it" Emma said. "Careful, don't go off half-cocked" Hook said "Hook's right, he wants you angry" I said. "Yeah, well, I am angry, that doesn't mean he's gonna get what he's after" Emma said. "You didn't mean to kill Cruella" I said "but I did, but that's regret, not darkness. I think we've all done things we regret" she said and looked at our parents. "Right now, we need to focus on one thing, how to keep Gold and you from causing any more damage" Emma said and I sighed and looked at my hands.

"Sorry" Emma said to me "it's okay" I said "I might be able to help with that" Maleficent said, standing in the doorway. Everyone turned to look at her as she smiled "it now appears we have a common foe, Rumplestiltskin" she said. "He resurrected you" I said "to help himself, not me. Cruella's death only confirmed that" she said. "Now you want to turn on him before he turns on you" David asked? "I knew Gold couldn't keep the dragon on her leash for long" Regina said "what do you want" David asked Maleficent "nothing from you. But your daughter, I hear, has a talent for finding people" she said.

"Yeah, I do, who do you want found" Emma said "my daughter" Maleficent said. "She's alive" Mary Margret asked "yes, she survived the journey to this land. The journey you sent her on. You want to prevent Rumplestiltskin from achieving whatever he wants. What better way than leaving this town and helping me" Maleficent said. "I'm not running away from Gold" Emma said "it's not running from him. It's hindering him" Maleficent said.

"I'm coming with you" I said standing up "what, no" David said. "Someone has to help them and being out of Storybrook is the farthest that I'll get from Gold" I said. "What do you know about her" Emma asked "just what the Dark One showed me, that she was banished to this world 30 years ago, to a place called Minnesota, where she was adopted by a couple. And they named her Lilith" Maleficent said and Emma's face dropped "no" Emma said before leaving "Emma, what is it" Hook asked as she left. "What's going on" "Emma and Lilith were best friends as kids" I said and everyone looked at me before they all grew silent.

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