Start from the beginning

My eyes narrowed in confusion. I thought only I found Gina's voice sweet.

Blitz scoffed. "Keep dreaming."

- -
Me: I didn't want to reveal this sooner. But since you're so curious, everyone might as well know. I have a high-speed drone I use for some of my recordings. Comes in handy when Tekeon is on a rooftop.

Elise: (forehead creases) You don't say.

Me: (relaxes with a straight face) I do say.

Elise: You've broken stacks of records by simply... blogging? There are a lot of other Tekeon blogs that are faring miserably compared to yours. Would you advise 'blogging' to eager minds who look up to you?

Me: (scratches chin a bit) Well...it depends on passion and skills; marketing skills and otherwise. I'd say do what works for you and be on the lookout for opportunities.

Elise: Quite a cliche in my opinion--

Me: But a proven tactic nonetheless. Can we move on?

Elise: Sure. You're the latest billionaire on the block and around midnight today, you announced along with your blog post that you'd be funding a new installation of a water tank that was damaged some days back during Alain Archer's bank heist. You also announced that you'll be paying the complete medical bills for all those who were injured by the S.P.E.R.E Bank & Holdings collapse.
Is this you polishing your public image?

Me: (blinking in confusion before whispering in realization) Blitz

Elise: Pardon?

Me: (clears throat) Miss Sally, I'm wounded by your lack of faith in philanthropy. But I can't blame you. I'll follow through with my pledges, not because I want to look charitable, but because I'm inspired by Tekeon to help make people's lives better. You can't follow him around a lot and not have such an influence rub off on you.

- -

"Enough." Nic snapped, making me pause the video.

Gina and I poked our heads in his direction, silently demanding an answer. His eyes darted around before staring straight ahead.

"It's getting late." He muttered with a pout. "Look, the moon's out already."

I followed his finger with my gaze to see the pale silver ball and its scanty comrades of stars.

He rose with a deep sigh and dug his hands into the pockets of his black hoodie. "I don't know about you guys, but I've got work tomorrow and I've got to prepare for my presentation."

The moment suddenly became...very awkward. I pretended to clear my throat but before I could speak up, Gina did.

"You don't look so psyched. Is something wrong?" She had a look of concern as she stood up to face him.

Their eyes darted to me and back to each other. Nic barely smiled before talking calmly. "No worries, just feeling sleepy that's all."

He rubbed his eyes as if to prove his point.

"I'm always here for you guys if you need anything." I pitched in softly, looking up at both of them.

An uncomfortable silence followed, but I refused to regret speaking up. I wanted to make them know I valued our friendship and Gina seemed to resonate more than Nic.

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