Chapter 35 - Fynn's POV.

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[a super short POV change]

MY WOLF PACED around the confined space of my mind, restless and upset by Katie's declaration of our delinquency. Though we knew and were frequently reminded by the boys, Katie's thoughts were like a blunt knife in the side. No one likes being labelled an imbecile, however true it may be.

"I need this run more now than ever," Ace huffed.

Same here. I growled angrily. I need to run away from the overwhelming negative thoughts.

"If only she understood," my wolf contemplated sadly before he snarkily scoffed: "hang on, you were the one who demanded our silence. Ass."

I shrugged in helplessness. It's for her safety, idiot. You're the ass for not realising that  selfish bastard.

"Well, you're a–"

An angry wolf-shifter who would tear you a new one if we weren't connected. Ace and I shared pain receptors, meaning injuries were replicated in the other's body. Not fun, and not recommended.

Instead of gracing me with a reply, Ace showed me his tongue and sharp canines and crashed through the mental barrier.



Happy December guys!

I apologies for not updating for so long - exams were a blast and I've started to get results back (most were self satisfactory or more) :)

After this hiatus from writing, I've decided to slowly re-submerge myself into MVOWF, thus this week's shorter chapter.

Next week I'll resume the original lengths (or at least attempt to).

I hope you enjoyed a snippet of Fynn's mind. Comment which character you want more of!

Love all,


Chapter 36: Christmas Eve 🎄🎄🎄

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