Chapter 24 - Jesse's POV

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ONCE I GOT back to the house, I quickly shifted back to my human form and unlocked the door, excited to spend time alone with Katie. The house was dead silent save some quiet whimpers and a weird scratching-on-wood sound.

"Katie?" I questioned to the dark house.

We had turned all the lights, except for the ones in Katie's room, off before we left, but I found myself questioning if it was such a good idea after all.

I walked towards the bookshelf which stood in front of her door, cautious and listening for any sounds.

Fynn had smartly decided to add another layer of protection. Preventing any hungry wolves from breaking in and eating Katie and preventing her from escaping.

Though it'd be practically impossible for Katie to knock down her door as a human, Fynn was worried about tonight. He told everyone his suspicions: Katie was a trapped wolf, and she was going to shift for the first time and attempt to escape.

A wolf would easily break down the bedroom door. Fynn's fix? Put a bookshelf in front of it. Problem solved.

I was sceptical of the theory that Katie would shift but knew it was possible a wolf could break into the house. Hell, if I were hungry, I'd eat the nearest human.

"Yeah. You'd definitely eat Katie. Just not tear her apart. Or maybe you would with your c-"

Shut up!

Another whine through her door caught Ace's and my attention for a brief moment. A scratching shortly accompanied the sound.

What is that?

"There's something in her room"

Do you think a wolf broke in?

"If it did, it'd do so through the window."

Shit! We should've put a barrier outside the house as well!

"You all knew what her reaction would've been. She hates when there's no natural light and she can't see the outside surroundings."

We already made her mad enough by locking her bedroom door. I want to check on her.

Though Liam and I carried the bookshelf to her door, not wanting to wreck the antique flooring, I wasn't strong enough to do it alone. Fynn would, though.

As Fynn was the Alpha, he had to be naturally stronger than pursuers of the title. Being the Alpha also pulled small amounts of power from each pack member. It didn't help his strength rating being the Alpha of the wolf-shifter pack with powers most similar to that of the Empress.

The wood let a low screech as I pushed the shelf further down the hallway to the other bedrooms. Ace came to the front of my mind, lending part of his wolf strength to aid my movement.

When I turned back to Katie's door, I froze.

Her bedroom door was cracked in multiple places, most near the height of five feet with a few jumping to the top of the door.

My eyes watched on as the door shattered downwards, no longer having the support provided by the bookshelf.

Although not every piece of wood fell from the door frame, enough had fallen that I could see the interiors of Katie's bedroom.

If I could get any more surprised, I did.

A brown-furred wolf with orange strands glimmered in the flickering light bulb lay on its side, its flank heaving up and down as it struggled to breathe. Upon closer observation, I noticed the animal's fur shade was nearly identical to that of Katie's.


Fuck! That's Katie in her wolf form. Lying on the ground!

I projected my thoughts to the group link and hoped they were close enough to still receive the message.

Another skill only Wilde Radiance wolves had was triple the mind-linking distance compared to normal wolves. All wolves had a finite limit on how far they can project their thoughts – it varied depending on pack strength and closeness with the Empress. We, in particular, had thrice the average. The furthest distance ever achieved in the history of wolf shifters.

Katie shifted? Liam yelled through the bond.

I clutched my ears in phantom pain while I slowly crept closer to the figure on the floor.

Damn. I knew this would happen, Fynn lowly cursed.

James informed me that they would be back as soon as possible, and the link severed shortly thereafter.

I crouched down and lay a hand on Katie's soft fur, stroking rhythmic strokes and hoping they'd do their part in soothing her. Her head shifted and she whimpered in response.

"You'll be okay, darling. It'll be over very soon."

Her eyes flickered up to mine and her ears twitched.

My body felt obliged to lean down and press my forehead to hers. I brushed my lips against the fur leading to her snout, hoping the action would convey my willingness to take her pain away if I could and bear it on myself.

When I leaned back, her eyes were closed.

I exploded.

"You're not dying on me, Katie," I declared in worry. "You're not going to die!"

I felt a sense of déjà vu as sad memories rose up to the surface again. When I looked down at Katie, I saw my mother. When I looked at her flank, I saw a growing spot of blood.

The hazel eye nearest me popped open and stared straight on. What's all that dramatic flare for? Save it for drama class, I could imagine her saying. I'm not dead yet, wolfie.

Her eyes slowly closed once more but this time, I wasn't afraid.

She was just sleeping.



Were Fynn's suspicions really suspicions? Or did he know from the beginning but the rest of the pack was sceptical?

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Chapter 25: 10august2022 (or earlier if we can get 6 votes on this chapter)

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