Chapter 23 - Jesse's POV.

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THE FIVE OF US howled into the moon as all wolf-shifters attending the Moon Celebration trampled on the forest floor. Twigs cracked as hundreds of paws stomped on them, similar to a stampede where instead of bodies, twigs are being stepped on.

The slight cramping of one of my back legs distracted me. Probably a cramp of some sort. I slowed down to stretch out my paw with every lift of my legs.

Looking back at me, the rest of my pack slowed down to accompany me.

You good? Fynn asked from the group mind link.

As we were a pack, we were bonded together with a mind link, allowing us to communicate privately between us without including wolves outside the pack. Fynn and I also had a private mind link because he is the Alpha.

Slight cramp in my back leg, I responded, it should be fine soon.

But it wasn't.

As I continued to run with the rest of the Wilde Radiance members, my paw cramped more and more. So much that I slowed to a complete stop.

Wolves behind us ran around the others as they surrounded my whimpering self. I could imagine it'd look like a rock in a running river, splitting the water in two directions.

You don't look fine. Fynn quoted earlier when I brushed off the pain.

Sometimes, I'd get annoyed by Fynn's snarkiness, but I could tell he was genuinely concerned beneath the façade.

I presume not.

Do we need to go back to the house? Fynn questions?

Though I was having difficulty running, I didn't want to rob the rest of them of their fun. Although we were running with wolves from other packs, we hadn't had a pack run for ages and I could tell we were all on edge.

Pack runs were needed to strengthen the bond between members of a pack. If neglected, wolves would start to get restless and fights between pack members broke out easily. We didn't want that, especially considering our Alpha's short temper.

Fynn stared expectantly. Well?

I will go back to the house. You guys should contin-

No. James pitched in. The twins hollered their agreement. It won't be a pack run without the full pack together.

They'll be plenty of time in the future for me to run with you guys. What's important at this moment is you continue. I shouldn't prevent your fun.

What's important is your cramping leg inhibiting you from running, replies Fynn.

I know how stubborn Fynn can be, insisting to come back with me, so I appealed to emotions in the pack.

The time we've run for is not long enough to fully re-strength the bonds with one another. If the rest of the pack leaves now, the tension in our relationships will continue building. I directed my response to Fynn, knowing he wouldn't want to sacrifice relations in the pack. After I feel better, I'll rejoin you. But if I don't, at least I won't have you glaring at everyone every minute of the day.

Fynn huffed but mumbled an agreement. He would continue to glare at everyone. More so than his usual standoffish behaviour. Who knew he was Alpha material? More like prissy material.

I heard that, growled Fynn through the private mind link between the two of us. Realising I forgot to build a wall around my thoughts, I quickly pushed Fynn out of my brain, not wanting him to find out about anything else.

"Like how you have the hots for a particular brunette?"

She has caramel hair, Ace.

"Yeah, yeah. You're avoiding the main question."

Just as the last wolf-shifter of all wolf-shifters scampered by, I re-strengthened my opinion. Just go already. I'll manage my baby self for a few hours.

Liam snorted, his black nose scrunching.

Besides, Katie will be with me, I add.

For some reason, Fynn releases a growl at the mention of her name.

"He's jealous because if you go back, you'll have her to yourself."

Why would he be jealous of that? It's just for a few hours.

"Just like us, he likes her too."

Us? I gesture to the projection of Ace and myself in my head. We don't like Katie.

Well, we do like her, but just not like-like. I correct.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, thinking of her in your arms."



Quick question: are you guys here for smut? Because I'm not sure what you guys are expecting based on the tags MVOWF has and what I've mentioned so far. I just need some guidance on what you guys want (after all, I exist only to please you guys!).

Hopefully, this chapter not only furthered the plot but also gave insight into Jesse's feelings for Katie. Also, I have made the informed decision to get rid of Ian. We no longer need him. I just feel like he's a side character which doesn't add much to the story. In the future edited version, I plan for his role to be merged into Jesse's character.

Run wild,


Chapter 24: 3september2022
(or earlier if we can get 7 votes on this chapter!)

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