Chapter 7.

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THE BELL BOY had just left with our luggage; all we had left to do was part ways with the wolves.

A few feet away, Fynn whimpered and howled towards the clouds which shrouded the sun.

"Yeah, I'm sorry buddy," I murmured, slowly approaching the large wolf.

Ian had said the other wolves had gone to visit the second wolf pack and wouldn't be returning until tonight.

That means we can't say goodbye!

"I don't want to say goodbye."

Amelia stood to the side and talked to Ian, giving me personal space with Fynn.

His soft chocolate gaze reflected sorrow, longing, and a hint of anger – probably due to the injustice of our separation.

I vaguely heard the calling of my name but ignored it, choosing to rest my forehead on his.

"I see you again soon?"

Fynn gave me a tender lick on my chin.

Khaki green cargo pants appeared in my peripheral vision, causing me to turn my head to Ian, whose eyes furrowed, had his phone pressed against his ear.

After his call had ended, I asked if he was okay.

"Yeah, yeah," he said, waving his hands in a dismissive way, "Adrianne and Brian want to see you before your departure, that's all."


Ian nodded and started to turn away.

Amelia shrugged and waved for me to follow him. "You coming?"

I nodded and proceeded to walk down the slope towards the main office.

Fynn quietly padded next to me, eyes downcast.

Unable to help myself, I smoothed my hand against his fur, hoping the action would comfort him.

When we arrived at the main office, we were quickly ushered into Adrianne's office. Fynn included.

Adrianne sat at the big desk with her hands weaved together.

"I won't prolong this any further," she began. Amelia and I turned in our seats to look at each other in confusion.

"Ian has reported your interactions with the wolf pack to me – they have never warmed up so quickly or trusted another human as much as they trust you, Katie."

My eyes widened in surprise. So, it wasn't just me who was surprised.

"As such, I'm offering you the opportunity to stay for the rest of the winter season and further strengthen your bond with the wolves. After the season ends, you can re-evaluate, and we will offer you the opportunity to stay with us indefinitely."

"Indefinitely?" Amelia piped up.

Adrianne nodded, "of course, Katie can leave whenever she wishes after the winter season but must give us two weeks advanced notice."

The offer seemed too good to be true and was only beneficial to me and the wolves. "What do I have to do in return?"

"We want your help to care for your wolf pack. In the future, you may also lead some excursions with tourists."

"Do I have to give an answer now?" I hesitantly asked.

She nodded.

"Could I have two minutes to talk to Amelia?"

She nodded again, "Ian will take you to an empty, sound-proof room."

I couldn't understand the need for a soundproof room but followed along despite my confusion.

Once we were left alone, Amelia placed her hands on my shoulders.

"You have to take this opportunity. Else you'll regret for the rest of your life."

"Yes," I agreed, "but what will you do?"

Shrugging, "I fly back to Denver?"

I sucked my lips in and furrowed my brows. "And you're okay with that?"

Amelia vigorously nodded.

"I feel like I should be putting up more of an argument," I confessed, frowning.

"No," her lips curled as she whispered. "You're not putting up more of an argument because you know it's the right choice to make."

I pulled her into an embrace and no more words were said.

"I'm staying in Bardu," I declared to Adrianne.



Hello! I'm soooo sorry for posting late for the SECOND time in a ROW! What can I do to make up for it? ;) (I'm serious tho, I apologise)

I just realised I wrote the wrong date of the previous chapter... I meant to say the 16th... not the 23rd... silly me.

QOTC: What did you do / are you doing for Easter? If you don't celebrate Easter, what do you normally do during Christmas? Or Halloween?

Yesterday my parents set up an Easter Egg Hunt at home for my siblings and me. We couldn't find a chocolate egg (my parents forgot where they put it) so problems may soon arise (I'm looking at you, silverfish). Today, we went for a picnic, thus the reason I completely forgot about updating *wince*.

Chapter 8 (for real this time. I'm going to post on time. I promise): 23April2022

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