Unhappy Steve

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Steve had woken up a little early this morning so Nancy gave him his iPad to watch or play something whilst they slept some more. He wasn't able to get out of the room as Jonathan's bedroom now had a gate on it so that he couldn't just get up and wander the house.

"Buddy, turn that down please" Jonathan mumbles as he slightly turned over. Steve was in the middle of the bed lying on his stomach with his iPad somewhat propped on the pillows.

"Nuuuu" Steve whines, kicking his feet a little.

"Turn it down or I'm taking it away" Jonathan warns him. It was too early to be arguing with Steve so he turned the volume down himself.

"Hmm" he whined as Steve turned the whole thing off instead. The three of them soon got up and grabbed some breakfast.

"Not dat" Steve whined. They figured he clearly wasn't in the best of moods today and that was ok.

"Steve, that's what you asked for" Nancy says as Jonathan placed his cereal on his tray.

"No" Steve crosses his arms and pouts.

"Different bowl or different breakfast?" Jonathan sighs.

"Bwea'fast" he mumbles. They eventually have breakfast and Nancy gets Steve ready to head to her house.

"Come, let's get dressed" Nancy says. She changes his nappy before putting him into a pair of jeans, a dark blue long sleeve top and a pair of dark blue George Pig socks.

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