Rough Days

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Over the last few weeks, it has been a rocky road. Steve was in and out of headspace but it wouldn't be for long so he's now currently under the weather. They think it was just his brain trying to get into the right one and it was messing with Steve's head a little.

"Mama" he whined from their bed. They decided to stay in Nancy's room just incase it was an illness.

"I know honey" she soothes.

"Do you feel up to eating some toast?" Jonathan asks him.

"Nu uh"

"Buddy, you need to try and eating some" Jonathan rubs his back.

"Uh uh"

"Ok ok, maybe later" he looks at Nancy.

"Do you think all this headspace stuff is messing with his brain?"

"Most likely, if it were a bug going around I feel like Mike and Holly might've caught it by now" Nancy says as she watched Steve try and keep his eyes open to watch tv.

"Poor baby" Steve fell asleep so Nancy and Jonathan tidied up the room a little as it had become trashed from trying to keep up with Steve's 'bug' he had going on that had been going on for the last couple of days.

"I'm just gonna take a quick shower, alright to watch him?" Jonathan asks.

"Of course" she kisses him.

"Call me if anything happens" he says before leaving the room to go shower. It didn't take long for Steve to wake up crying.

"Oh buddy" Jonathan coos as he walked back into the room to Steve crying.

"Dada" he reaches for Jonathan.

"C'mere baby" Steve laid his head on his shoulder, facing outward and just settled into Jonathan's arms. Jonathan rocked them side to side but gently just taking in the moment. Of course Nancy snuck some photos and videos. They had their little moment and Steve wanted to get down.

"You wanna go downstairs?" Nancy asks him as he ran to the door.

"Pway" he whines.

"Let's get some clothes on then" he was only wearing his pyjama top, a nappy and for some reason one sock. Jonathan got him dressed into a short sleeve blue, light green and white striped bodysuit, a pair of black leggings, a long sleeve green top and a pair of blue bear socks.

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