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I stir in my sleep as I pull the cover over my head, snuggling deeper into the soft pillow that supports my head. I sigh as a small, content, smile spreads onto my lips. I flutter my eyes open when I hear my door open and someone sit down next to me.

What the...

"Leah," a soft voice calls out to me whilst they softly shake my shoulder, "Wake up." I groan and move away from the hand before turning over to where the voice is calling me. Hesitantly, I pull the cover from over my head and my eyes widen as I feel heat rush to my cheeks.

"This isn't my room." I state the obvious as I stare into Jaden's eyes. He lets out a soft chuckle whilst he lays down, facing me, "No shit." I roll my eyes at his sarcasm before looking around his room.

It's crazy how me and Jayla have been friends for so long, but this is only the second time I've been in Jaden's room, "Your room has changed." I mumble into his sheets as he rolls onto his back.

"Yeah, well that's because you haven't been in here for years." I purse my lips as I look at his side profile. He has such a perfect side profile. I clear my throat, ridding my thoughts, as I let out a low breath, "And who's fault is that?" I ask as I lean up against the headboard.

Jaden follows my actions as he turns his head to me, "Mine." My head whips in his direction, not expecting him to confess he is in the wrong, as a slow smirk breaks onto his lips, "Why so surprised?" He tilts his head to the side mockingly as he takes in the look on my face; I'm flabbergasted.

"I—I just...your admitting that you are in the wrong?" I double check I'm not jumping to assumptions as he rolls his neck before releasing a sigh.

"Most of the arguing is my fault, yes, but you have started some too." I bite my lip as I nod my head softly, "I guess I have, I'm sorry." He turns to me and for the first time since I've known Jaden, I see something I've never seen before, he actually flashes me a small smile.

It's hardly there, you only notice it if you pay close attention, but I saw it. It was there, but it left just as fast as it arrived.

"I guess.... I'm kind of sorry too." He rolls his eyes as he sends me a small grin. I bump my shoulder into his before it goes silent, "Can I be real with you for one second? And please, don't get mad. Promise me?" He tenses as he eyes me warily.

"Sure." It's a short response, but it'll have to do.

"Why are you and Ava....back together?" I hesitate with the question as I watch his face for any sign of anger. His jaw tenses as he stares in front of him, his hands clutching into fists, "Who said I was back together with her?" He finally responds, his voice cold.

I hold my breath, but soon release it when I notice that he's waiting for a response, "No one did."

"So why do you assume I'm with her? It was a simple make out, okay? I missed her, so I kisses her, that's it. We aren't together." I open my mouth then close it again, not knowing what to say to that.

He missed her. Her as in Ava. And that's when it hits me that I'm never going to be her. It's always going to be Ava.

I nod my head as I come to terms with the fact that I could never be with someone like Jaden, and I wordlessly stand up and walk out his room. My chest tightens as Jaden doesn't even call out to me to ask where I'm going as I make my way downstairs. Honestly, I've got to lower my expectations when it comes to Jaden.

I find Wanna and Mumps sitting on the sofa and decide to join them as I ignore the throbbing pain coming from my foot. If I'm being honest, I completely forgot the reason why I ended up in Jaden's room in the first place, I was just imagining what could've been...

"Yo, I got stopped today by some fans and they were so fucking sweet, Leah." Javon smiles as he shows me a picture they've posted on Instagram. I beam at Wanna as I sit next to Daelo, who lays his head on my lap as he plays on his phone. "That's great, Wanna. I'm so happy for you." I smile, though it doesn't quite reach my eyes as I can only think about Jaden and his change of attitude.

"Hey, do you know where Jayla is?" I ask as I mindlessly pick at my socks.

"She isn't back yet, her and Kylee went home with a friend, who lives in the area the party was thrown at. She said she'll be home soon, though." I nod my head as I run my hand over Dealo's head before gently lifting it and placing it onto a pillow.

"Okay, well can you tell her I'm going home? I haven't really seen Stella and mum in awhile, I'm just going to check up on them." Wanna nods his head as his attention goes back to the TV.

I put my shoes on and say goodbye to the boys before I make my way to the front door and open it, only to freeze when I see Ava standing there with her hand midway in the air, just about to knock on the door, "Oh, Leah, hi. Is Jaden home? I wanted to speak to him." She twirls her hair around her finger whilst I'm standing here, fists clenched, trying my hardest not to give in and punch her square in the face.

"No," I bite out the lie, "He just left to go and see his friends, sorry." Not sorry. She huffs, her shoulders slumping, "Do you know where they went?" Can this girl not take a hint?

"No." With that being said, I walk straight past her and let a small smirk fall onto my lips when I hear her scoff behind me.

I pull out my phone from my pocket as I feel my phone vibrate and look at the screen. My cheeks burn as I see it's from Jaden:

Making up lies for me now? Looks like someone doesn't want me talking to Ava....I smell jealousy ;)

One thing that has always scared me about Jaden, is that he's always one step ahead.

I'm really busy over this weekend, but I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm sorry to say, but the week coming I don't think I'll be able to post a lot because my family is coming over for Christmas, so it's going to be a full house :)

That being said, I hope you all have a great Christmas if this is going to be the last time I post in a while...we'll see <3 Sending much luv to all of you X


You're Insufferable |Jaden Walton fanficWhere stories live. Discover now