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The whole game I was anxious. The way he glared at me sent chills down my spine, and he made it quite clear that he didn't want me here without even uttering a word.

I fidget in my seat as another baseball racket swings and hits the ball at full force. If I'm being one hundred percent honest, I have no idea what's going on. I don't know who's winning, I don't even know how many points Jaden's team is you even get points?

I have no idea how baseball works. I don't keep up with the sport.

"Jayla," I groan, "Who's winning? What's going on? I can't keep up." She laughs as people on the field switch positions and she leans in towards my ear, "Jaden's team is winning," she shouts over the cheering as someone catches the ball.

I nod, that's all I needed to know.


The game finished with Jaden's team winning and Jaden makes his way back to us, so he could celebrate with his family.

I stay behind a little bit, the least I could do is let him have some time with his family. As he gives Jayla a hug, he looks over her shoulder at me and narrows his eyes. I force a small smile, but it slips from my lips just as fast when he pulls away and makes his way over to me.

I hold my breath when he's standing right in front of me, I refuse to make eye-contact, "Congrats on winning." I don't recognise my own voice as I look straight past his shoulder to see Javon giving me a thumbs up with a small smile on his face.

I sigh and look up at Jaden to see his brown eyes searching mine as his face holds confusion, "Thank you." He mutters. I nod my head and walk past him, our hands grazing, whilst I make my way over to a smiling Jayla, "What?" I snap whilst she stifles a laugh.

"Oh, nothing. Just the way you and Jaden fight like a married couple is quite amusing." I sarcastically smile and give her the finger whilst we all make our way back to the cars.

The teens split into one car as the adults and Daelo go into the family car. This time, Javon is driving with Jayla beside him and Jaden and I are in the back.

It's quiet the first ten minutes—not awkward, but kind of uncomfortable. " what do you guys want to do when we get to the house?" I ask whilst I play with my hands—a nervous habit I picked up at a young age—and slump back in my seat, my tense shoulders relaxes by a fraction.

"Um, we could have a movie night. J, you in?" Jayla turns around in her seat to face her younger brother.

"I can't," he shrugs whilst looking out his side of the car, "I've invited Ava over." I sigh without realising it, and draw Jaden's attention.

"What? Got something you want to say, Leah?" Jaden raises his brows at me whilst he turns his whole body my way.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way," I try to reason, "I just thought it would be nice to spend some time with your family instead of your girlfriend. It's not like you willingly want to hang out with her anyways; you always look miserable when your with her." The car goes deadly quiet once I've finished my rant, and that's when I realise I probably took a bit too far.

"What have I told you about staying out of my fucking business?" His cold tone makes my body freeze, "And I would rather spend my time with her then with you," he snaps, "And your not family to me. You never were and you never will be anything remotely important to me. You're just an annoying girl, who sticks around my family like a fly, just stay out of my fucking life!" I flinch at his harsh words as he yells them in my face before he opens the door and slams it behind him and walks into his house.

"Leah..." Jayla starts.

"Don't." I snap as I get out the car too, but walk in the opposite direction back to my house. Don't get me wrong, me and Jaden do bicker, but it's never gotten this bad.

As I feel the familiar trail of tears fall down my face, I scoff; I can't believe I'm actually letting him get to me—again—but I can't stop thinking back to his harsh words.

You're just an annoying girl, who sticks around my family like a fly.

That got to me the most, I think. Am I that much of a bother? Does my presence irritate him that much that I'm now compared to a fucking fly that's hovers around? As my house comes into view, I actually sigh in relief. I can finally climb into my bed and cry myself to sleep, that sounds like a dream right now.

Closing the front door behind me, I don't even bother to announce I'm home and instead just grudgingly make my way to my bedroom before closing the door behind me and locking it, so I can get some alone time.

But mostly so I can cry in peace.

Falling face first onto my bed, I wrap myself in my duvet. Small sobs escape my throat as I hide away under my pillow.

Maybe I was in the wrong, but I know I would never treat Jaden the way he treated me today. How could someone be so cruel?

My phone buzzes, but I ignore it. And I ignore the messages that follow after that....and the numerous phone calls after that.

I know it's just Jayla and Javon trying to get in contact with me, but I just want to sleep. I don't have to deal with the world then, it's the only time I can escape it.

My phone continues to go off, but I fall asleep. The exhaustion finally takes over me as I fall asleep with my head stuffed under my pillow and my duvet wrapped around me like a protected barrier.

Nothing can get to me in my sleep, not even Jaden's harsh words.

I can only image how school is going to go tomorrow.

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