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School was over now. I didn't have to check the time to know, I could tell by the way the front door slammed shut. I didn't really have time to think about when school finishes because I was too preoccupied watching films with Javon and Jayla, but now the dread sinks in when it clicks that Jaden is back.

I sink deeper into the sofa as I hear footsteps walking down the hallway until eventually Jaden comes into view. I don't acknowledge him, I don't even give him a glance, I merely just keep my eyes on the TV as I feel the sofa sink down next to me.

"What film are you guys watching?" Jaden's voice speaks from beside me as I put all my focus into watching the screen in front of me. I wait for someone else to answer as I move more to the right, and away from Jaden.

"Jurassic Park." Javon answers him as he shoves another hand full of popcorn into his mouth. I cross my arms over my chest as I feel Jaden move in closer to me, my breath hitching when I feel his eyes on me.

Please go away, I beg in my head, I do not want to deal with you right now.

"Leah?" He mumbles my name next to me, but I force myself not to give in. "Did you get my texts?" I briefly nod my head before I stand up suddenly, startling everyone.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I announce, leaving before anyone can speak. I make my way upstairs to Jayla's bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I slump to the floor and pull my knees up to my chest and release a heavy sigh. Dropping my head back against the door, I look up to the ceiling and wish that the ground could just swallow me whole.

It wasn't a good idea to come here, not when the argument was so fresh. I should've stayed away for a little while longer. Even though it was nice for Jayla and Wanna to reassure me that I'm no bother, I still can't get over the harsh words that came from Jaden's mouth.

I jump when a knock comes from behind me, vibrating down my back, as I quickly twist and look up, "Leah...?" Jaden. Why can't he just go away for one fucking second.

"What?" I snap. I hear him sigh before there's a thud against the door, like he's leaning against it.

"Can you come out? I...I want to talk." I roll my eyes.

I want to talk. That's such bullshit. "How do I not know your going to snap at me again, huh?" I ask as I stand up and lean against the sink.

"Oh, for sucks sake Leah! Can you just open the damn door?" Ah, there it is. I swear this boy is so fucking bipolar, it's ridiculous.

"No." I hear shuffling on the other side and him muttering something along the lines of 'for fucks sake, Leah' as he starts to jiggle the door knob.

"Leah, open up for fucks sake!" He continues his little attack on the handle whilst my hands grip the sink from behind me.

"Go away, Jaden." I shout whilst I hold the handle still from preventing him to move it. I jump back when there's a punch on the door before it goes silent. I stand there for a while, battling my thoughts whilst I consider if I should open the door or not before I hear Jaden sigh.

"Please?" His voice sounds tired, like he's given up, but I pay no mind as a small smile forms on my lips.

"What did you just say?" I ask teasingly whilst he lets out a huff.

"I'm not going to repeat myself."

"Then I'm not opening the door." I argue back. So much fucking arguing. When is it going to stop? Will it ever stop? When it comes between me and Jaden, I have no hope.

"Fuck sake," he mumbles, "Fine. Please? Can you please open the door?" I bite my lip to hide the big smile that wants to show as I unlock the door and open it to be faced with Jaden.

My eyes widen as I take in his state. Messy hair, dark circles, red eyes. I didn't look at him downstairs, but now that I'm up close, it looks like he's been....crying?

"Jaden?" I search his brown eyes that normally holds anger, to see that today they hold gulit? Sadness? Regret?

"What happened, J?" I ask as I lead him to sit on Jayla's bed. His nickname feels foreign on my tongue, he doesn't usually let me call him that, but as it seems he can't be bothered to argue, I'm going to use it as much as I can before he's back to his normal self again.

"A lot." His voice cracks as he runs his hand through his ruffled hair. I sit down next to him warily as I wait for him to explain, "I caught Ava cheating on me." His hoarse voice speaks as he turns to look at me. I clench my jaw as I try to remain calm.

That bitch is dead.

"When?" I ask, my voice light.

"Yesterday. I...when I told you guys in the car that we were hanging out....I went to meet up with her, but I guess she had forgot," he shrugs whilst he rubs his palms on his joggers, "I caught her kissing some guy."

"I'm sorry." I whisper. He shakes his head and turns to look at me, "I should be the one saying sorry, Lee." I freeze at the use of my nickname as butterflies flutter around my stomach. Jaden chuckles as he takes in my expression, "What? I can't call you by your nickname, but you can call me by mine?"

I'd laugh with him if I wasn't freaking out about the way he has just given me butterflies. Why the fuck is Jaden affected me like this? This shouldn't be happening.

"Leah?" Jaden waves his hand in my face as I blink a couple of times, "You good?" I don't say anything. Instead, I'm running out of that room before I can even blink. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Javon and Jayla still devouring the snacks.

"Yo!" Wanna yells as he motions me to sit down.

When I hear foot steps from behind me, I panic. "I-I'm sorry, I think I'm going to go." And I'm running out of the house even before the siblings can register what I had just said.

I run all the way home. I don't stop. I don't even stop when I pull a stitch. I don't stop even when my lungs are begging for oxygen. I don't stop until my house comes into view. I pant as I make my way inside and head straight up to my bedroom.

When I'm finally alone in the safety of my bedroom, I collapse down on my bed and pant up at my ceiling. I squeeze my eyes shut as my thoughts run wild, but only one thing replaying over and over.

I think I have some very small—almost non-existent—feelings for Jaden. I don't know how, I don't know when. Maybe it was when we shared that intimate moment just minutes before where he actually opened up to me about Ava.

Ava. Was I the first person he told?

Either way, she better watch her back. I freeze and sit up in my bed, when did I start getting so overprotective with Jaden? I run my hands through my hair in frustration as one thing becomes clear.

I don't think I have feelings for Jaden, I know. And it's scaring the shit out of me. I can't like Jaden, I just can't.

You're Insufferable |Jaden Walton fanficWhere stories live. Discover now