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"Leah! Wake up!" I jolt awake to banging on my door and I groggily lift the pillow off of my head. My head spins as I sit up and I hiss in pain. Fuck, I need to take something for my head. More banging sounds at the door and I groan, "I'm coming, Stella. Wait a second!" I unwrap the duvet from my sweaty body and walk into my bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, I gasp. I look horrible. Dark circles hang under my eyes and tears stain my cheeks. I kept waking up at stupid hours earlier this morning because my mind just couldn't shut off apparently. I bite my lip as wide eyes stare back at me in the mirror.

What the fuck do I do? I look shit, I feel shit, and I don't want to go to a shitty school whilst I feel like this. "Leah, for fucks sake! We're going to be late, you idiot!" I lean my elbows on the sink as my head hangs low, "I'm sorry, I don't think I'm going in today! I don't feel too good." I hear her mumble on the other side of my bedroom door before it goes silent. She's most likely left, I thought.

My thoughts end up being correct when I hear the front door slam shut downstairs and I walk back into my room and go on my phone. My jaw drops when I see over one hundred texts waiting to be opened. I completely forgot about that. Most of them are from Jayla—no shock there—and almost the rest of them are from Wanna, but what shocks me the most is the two messages sent from Jaden.

How the fuck did he get my number?

Gulping, I click on Jayla's name first. All of them are demands to answer until she starts pleading, saying that what Jaden did was a dick move and she apologises on his part. I purse my lips, I want him to apologise to me. It shouldn't be his sister doing his dirty work.

I sigh and open up Wanna's texts. Most of them are asking if I was okay, but then him also back tracking, saying that that was a stupid question. I laugh at his messages before my thumb hesitates above Jaden's name, do I really want to look at what he has to say? It's probably just messages of him being a dick.

It must of been in my contacts for a while because his name is already set. Holding my breath, I click on his name and read the two messages,

And then I read them again....

And again.

Until eventually, I'm just staring down at my phone, my mouth agape.

'Lee...look, I'm sorry, okay? What I said was wrong, and I'm apologising. No, Jayla and Javon didn't force me to do this before you go jumping to conclusions. This is me admitting that I was in the wrong. But don't go thinking I like you or anything, I still think your annoying and should stay out of my business, but I'm sorry. Really sorry.'

'Please just text one of us, so we know your okay. Thanks.'

Lee. He used Lee; my nickname that only Jayla, and occasionally Stella, call me. Nobody else calls me that. And yes, I know, he didn't technically call me it, but he still sent it through text. That has to count for something, right?

I send a message to Jayla saying I'm okay, and she replies back instantly. She calls my phone and I answer,

"Hey," I sniffle into the phone.

"Hey, can you come over? I want to give you the biggest fucking hug ever. Javon even stayed home today, hoping you'd show up." She laughs.

My eyebrows furrow, "How does he know I'm not at school?" I look around my room, paranoid, that I'm going to find a hidden camera, or something.

"Stella." She states simply. Right, of course.

"Oh, yeah, that makes sense." I force out a laugh as I bite my nail. I hesitate for a moment before I ask the one question that's been playing on my mind, "Is, uh...did Jaden stay at home aswell?" I have no idea what made me ask that question, or why I wanted to know the answer to that question, but a part of me is curious. Jayla is quiet for a moment, and for a second, I thought I had accidentally hung up the phone, "Jay?"

"Yeah, sorry I'm here...I—no. He didn't." I nod my head even though she can't see me, I thought as much. I honestly have no idea what I was expecting. Did I think Jaden would be waiting anxiously to see how I was? Did I honestly think he'd care that much to stick around to see me? I'm starting to think them messages were bullshit, there's no way that was Jaden sending them.

He doesn't care. He never did, never will.

"Did you send those text?" I ask into the phone even though the messages said otherwise, but everything at this precise moment is making no sense. I'm so lost.

"What texts?" She sounds genuinely confused, but I don't put it past her; she's an actress for gods sake. But either way, I give up. She wouldn't do that, I know she wouldn't do that. I'm just overthinking, it's just not like Jaden to openly admit what he did was messed up; he's stubborn. He'd never...


"Yeah, I'm here. I'll be over in ten." I hang up the phone and throw on an oversized hoodie before making my way downstairs. I see my mum sitting in the living room watching TV whilst she sips on her coffee, a small smile on her face as she laughs at a joke, "Mum?" I call out. She hums and turns her head slightly, so I know that she's listening. "I'm going around the Walton's, is that okay?" My hand hovers above the door handle as I wait for her answer.

She glances at me, "You are off school, make sure nobody sees you, okay? And don't push yourself if your feeling ill, take something first." I nod my head and go into the kitchen to take some tablets before I walk out into the fresh air and start the short walk to the Walton house.

I shiver as a gust of wind blows my hair and I cross my arms over my chest, trying to prevent anymore chills to run down my spine. I rub my hands together to try and warm myself up as the Walton house comes into my view. Walking up to the door, I knock and wait for someone to answer.

When I see a shadow on the other side, I step back a bit. The door opens and I'm met with a smiling Javon, "Fucking hell, Leah," he sighs as he brings me to his chest and holds me tight, "Look..about what Jaden said, I want you to know your not a bother," he pulls me back so we are looking at eachother, "You are my sister, okay? Not my friend, my sister. I love you, Leah." I sniffle as happy tears roll down my face and Wanna rolls his eyes jokingly.

"I love you." We both smile at eachother before we are cut off by someone clearing their throat. We turn out heads to see Jayla standing there with her arms crossed, "Hey, you two are real cute, but it's my turn for a hug. Move out my way." I laugh as she pushes Javon and wraps me in a tight embrace, "Know that I love you like a sister too, Lee." She mutters into my hair. I nod my head and pull back.

"Well, as we are off you guys still want to have that movie night?" They both share glances at eachother before turning back to me with big smiles on their faces.

"Hell yeah."

You're Insufferable |Jaden Walton fanficWhere stories live. Discover now