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It's been a month and school is out for summer. I'd be lying if I said me and Jaden weren't practically best friends again—because we are. We are closer then we have ever been before. At first, I wasn't sure about getting close to Jaden, having Jayla in my mind and all, but she reassured me over and over again that it was okay.

She even said I could experiment. Yeah, I laughed in her face too.

Don't get me wrong, the glances from across the room and the secret exchanged smiles is getting more harder by the second to be "just friends" with Jaden. It's not like he hasn't tried to make a move—he has, multiple times—but it just didn't feel right then. But now? I'd say I'm ready.

I mean, I love him and I've been holding it back for fucking ages. The only thing I want to do is go on dates and cuddle and share memories with him, but none of our families even remotely know about me and Jaden's past. Jaden has wanted to talk about it a few times, but I chickened out last minute.

Could you really blame me? I'm a sixteen year old girl, who has only kissed one guy that wasn't Jaden, and hasn't even been in a real relationship before. It's a lot when you love them, but you don't even know how to work a relationship. It's scary.

That's why me and Jaden have been taking things slow, but I feel like I'm ready now. It's summer, I feel like it's the perfect time to actually try and work this out.

Me and Jayla walk into the Waltons' house and I stop in my tracks when I see my mum and sister sitting in the living room with Jessica, DJ and Daelo. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I ask as I shrug of my backpack and take a seat next to Stella.

"It's family dinner night, remember?" Oh shit, I guess I've just had a lot on my mind, I kind of forgot we even did those. Jaden, how the fuck have you got this much of a hold on me?

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I've just been thinking about what we could all do in summer." I come up with a lie whilst Stella just gives me the side-eye. She always sees past my lies.

"Oh, yeah about that...we were thinking about going on a family holiday?" Jessica announces as the boys walk into the room.

"Family holiday? What?" Wanna asks, confused.

"Well, us adults were thinking about going to Orlando, Florida for two weeks, and go to the parks? I thought it would be fun for you kids." Me and Jayla share a look of excitement before we turn back towards Jessica.

"Yes!" We say in unison, making everyone laugh. Except from Jaden, he just shakes his head at me in amusement.

"Okay, then. It's settled! We're going to Universal Studios!" She claps her hands whilst she stands up and brushes the none-existent dust off of her shirt.


We were all sitting at the dinner table and I was next to Jaden. This is never a good idea because like right now, he always grips my knee. He knows it distracts me, but he does it anyway.

Dinner goes smoothly before we eventually go our own ways, me and Jaden go into his room whilst Javon and Jayla go into hers. "You good?" Jaden asks as I lay my head on his chest. He traces shapes onto my back as I lay on his chest with my eyes closed, listening to his heartbeat, "Yeah, I'm excited for this trip." I mumble as the relaxation on my back starts to make me sleepy.

"Same." Jaden mutters before he places a kiss onto my forehead. "Hey, Lee? Can we talk serious for a sec?" I sit up warily and turn to him, quite upset that he's stopping me from taking a nap.


"Um.." he wipes his palms on his shorts before he sits up straighter and clears his throat, "I don't want this to be a cheesy speech or anything like that-" he rolls his eyes before they make eye-contact with mine. I feel my heart start to race as he takes ahold of my hands and gives them a little squeeze, "Well, you know that you. I like you a whole fucking lot actually." I laugh at his cuteness whilst I watch the nervousness crease on his face as he watches me carefully. He huffs, "For fucks sake," he mutters to himself before he pulls me onto his lap. I cross my arms around his neck and rest my forehead onto his and wait for what he has to say, "You're killing me, you know that?" I smile and nod my head before he gently places a kiss onto my cheek, "Can I be your boyfriend, Leah Rose?" I gasp. I mean, I literally gasp as I hear the words fall from his mouth.

Never in a million years would I see myself sitting on Jaden's lap whilst we share such an intimate moment like this, but we are. We are and it's becoming more real by the second whilst his beautiful shade of brown eyes search my much darker green ones. He even used my full name, I didn't even know he remembered that. "Jaden, I—" the words get stuck in my throat as tears of joy start to form in my eyes,

"I love you." I say the three words I've been wanting to say for a very long time and it feels so much more better then what I had imagined.

" love me? You really love me?" The smile on his face makes me cry harder as it might just be the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my life and I pull him into a kiss. It lasts longer then the other two times we've kissed before, and this time it feels different. It feels different because it's not after an argument, or a kiss of shock. This kiss is full of love, and I now understand why people search for it so much.

Loving Jaden is probably going to be the best thing that I have ever, and will ever do in my life. I don't think I've ever cared for someone in such a way like I do like this.

Jaden is my best friend.

Jaden is my boyfriend.

Jaden is my other half.

He pulls away from the kiss with a huge grin on his face, "I take that as a yes?" I laugh and nod my head. "Yes, you can be my boyfriend, J." He smiles and leans back in for another kiss, but this one being much shorter, "I love you too...but you do really need to brush your teeth because your breath stinks." I gasp and the first time since me and Jaden reunited, he laughs. He laughs and holds his belly as he lays back on his bed and I can't help but admire the boy in front of me.

He's my forever & always.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! You're so gullible." He chuckles as he sits back up. I pull a face before I shake my head and smile at him. I'm going to love this boy for the rest of my life,

"You really are insufferable, you know that?"


Oh. My. God. We have finally made it to the end...this doesn't even feel real. I probably sound so dramatic right now, but never would I ever think I'd finish a book. I'm so proud of myself that I even got this far, and I can't thank you guys enough for being on this journey with me.

Even if it is just a fanfic I did for fun, I'm still so very happy about how it turned out :)

Now, I'm not promising anything! But...there might—MIGHT—be a second book where they are in Florida...? I'm still not sure because quite frankly, it was hard keeping up with this book😅 But it was just an idea🤷🏻‍♀️ Even if I do end up doing it, it probably won't be anytime soon :(

I love all of you lovely people <3 Thank you for reading "You're insufferable." I hope you all have a great day/night.

Goodbye for now :)

— love RXY, Mwah X

You're Insufferable |Jaden Walton fanficWhere stories live. Discover now