thirteen, part 1

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I left straight after Jaden kissed me. The tension, the closeness, the contact—it was all too much, so I fled. I ran away because I'm too scared of what he would've said when he realises that I admitted that I wanted to be with him. I'm scared that he won't like me back; I'm scared of rejection. Especially, when it's from Jaden.

If Jaden was to reject me, I think it would break me. I wish I was joking, but the chokehold this boy has on me now is ridiculous.

I should've just stuck with the plan, I remind myself for the tenth time in the past hour.

It's come to the point that I've lost track of time because all I can think about is Jaden. Jaden. Jaden. Jaden. Why does it have to be fucking Jaden of all people? I couldn't even tell you what day it is.

At this point, I'm so mentally drained with everything...I just want to relax.

I sigh as I wrap a towel around my body, goosebumps greeting my skin as I step out into the cold air, and make my way to my closet. I run my hands through the piles upon piles of clothes I have tucked away in the cramped space and finally settle on a pair of shorts and a crop top.

I walk over to my bed and look at my phone for the first time since yesterday. It's Tuesday, which means I have school again, and I have over twenty two messages from Jayla because I haven't talked to her since yesterday morning—which isn't like us at all, so I understand why she would be worried.

Texting Jayla that I'm alive, I don't even notice the one message from Jaden as I place my phone on my nightstand and turn on my other side and effortlessly fall asleep as the tiredness overtakes me.


I yawn as I sit up in my double bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes, I got approximately six hours sleep as I kept waking up at stupid times of the night.

I stand and get ready for the day, changing out of my pyjamas and getting into something more comfy: an oversized hoodie along with some joggers. Honestly, I couldn't care less for how I look. I have no one to impress, and I'm comfy, it's a win-win situation.

I cough awkwardly as I think back to who I have to see today. Yeah, I have no one to impress at all...

I groan and make my way downstairs and grab my backpack, checking what I need is in their, then make my way to school. My mum is at work again and it looks like Stella left without me...again.

I manage to get to school on time as the first bell rings and I make it to my first class...the class I share with Ava. I sigh and take my seat next to Javon and give him a small smile, "Hey, Wanna. Ava isn't here yet, is she?" I whisper under my breath, so nobody else around us could hear.

Honestly, I have no idea if I should trust Jaden or not. I know if I want things to work between us, I shouldn't doubt him and instead trust him, but can you really blame me for second guessing?

"No? I think I saw her with Jaden outside his locker, so who knows." He shrugs, not knowing what he just said answered all of my doubts.

I fucking knew it! I'm so stupid, I can't trust a word that comes out of that boys mouth. "Oh." Is all I say, all I can say. I can't tell him that I'm disappointed about this piece of information, he'd know then. He'd know everything...

Time flies by and then I'm suddenly in the passenger seat of Jayla's car. "Heyy, bitchhh." She shouts as soon as I enter the car. I laugh and lean over to give her a hug, "Hey, Jay." I smile as I pull away from the her.

Moments later, both of the back doors open and Wanna and Jaden make their way into the car...along with AVA!? "What the fuck is she doing here?" I speak into the open before I realise what I'm even saying.

I look into the mirror to see Jaden avoiding all eye-contact as Ava wears a fake smile on her face, "What? I can't ride home with my boyfriend?" She pushes out her bottom lip as she snuggles into Jaden's side and I have to turn my head away because it hurts to see her so close to him.

How could he? I mean, I should've known, I did know, but I'm still disappointed. Jayla awkwardly clears her throat and turns the radio up to block out all the awkward silence and I lean back in my seat, ignoring everything and everyone around me, just left with my own thoughts.

I really am some joke to him, aren't I?

I hop out the car as soon as it stops and walk straight into the house before making my way up to Jayla's bedroom. I can't believe I agreed to sleep over on the night Ava just so happens to be here.

This is so fucked up, and quite frankly, I just want everything to be over. I want my feelings for Jaden to go away and I want Ava out of my life. Both of those things have only caused me pent up pain and anger.

I didn't ask for any of this.

"Yo, Lee? You good?" Jayla asks as she closes her bedroom door behind her. I nod my head and bite my lip, trying to contain the tears that are swelling up in my eyes, clouding my vision. "Hey, what's up?" I burst as soon as I hear the question; I let it all out. It's always "hey, what's up?" that gets me, I don't know why.

I sob until I'm gasping for air and snot is running down my cupids bone. I clutch my arms around my legs and rock myself back and forth, "You're going to hate me, Jay. Absolutely, hate me." I sob my heart out as I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Hey," her soft voice comforts me, "I'll never hate you, Lee. You know that. The longer you keep it inside, the longer it will hurt." She reasons as she rubs soothing circles into my back.

"I—" I choke on a sob as I fall back into her arms, "I like Jaden." My voice breaks, but so does all the tension. Anxiety flees my body as I relax into Jayla's arms.

The secret is out, there's no turning back now.

Okay, so Jayla knows now!! And this book is also #1 in javonwalton!!! I'm so happy🤭 Thank you all for the support, I well and truly appreciate every single one of you <33

Also, I was so tired last night that the last chapter is quite bad, so I might re-write it. I'm not sure yet. Anyways, I luv yuh!!


P.s I'm going to a chase atlantic concert in London, but it got cancelled at first. I sobbed for two hours straight just for Kras to announce that they have found a different venue two hours later. I feel so relieved, but I also want my tears back😭 I got such a bad headache from that😭

Anyways, rant over :)

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