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I'm walking home. I messaged Jayla and told her not to worry; I was perfectly safe. Now, I don't know how true those words are, giving as it's twelve o'clock at night, but I refuse to let Jayla take me home just because I'm throwing a hissy fit.

As I walk out into the chilly air, I wonder how the people back at the house can swim in this; it's freezing. I shiver in my small dress as I walk along the path and try and find my way home. I'm not completely lost as one of my friends live in this area, but I'm not one hundred percent confident I know how to get myself home either.

Cars drive by as I wait to cross the road and stumble in my high heels, I've never liked these things, I swear they are destined to kill you. Managing to cross the road safely, I sigh and pull my heels off. Yes, I'm walking home bare foot, what else am I supposed to do? I'm not going to get anywhere with hills on.

As I walk on the dry grass, I jump at the sound of a car horn behind me. Turning, I squint my eyes as I can't see who it is past the blinding lights. As I hesitantly walk up to the car, I don't recognise it. I look in through the window and my eyes widen when I see it's— "Jaden, what the hell are you doing?" I ask as I cross my arms over my cold body.

"Get in." Is all he says, he doesn't even turn his head to look at me. I scoff and continue walking, me being the stubborn person I am. I hear the car slowly drive next to me as the window rolls down more, "Leah, get in the damn car!" He shouts from inside the vehicle. I laugh under my breath, "And what are you going to do about it if I don't?" I challenge him as I take a left, now familiar with where I am.

Only fifteen minutes from my house...

I hear Jaden mutter under his breath before he's pulling over and opening the car door. I start to walk faster, not trusting with what he's about to do, as I hear his footsteps behind me. I start to fast walk as I hear him get closer, and before I know it, I'm sprinting for my life.

"Not so fast, Ma." I gasp as his arm pulls me back as it circles around my stomach before he's carrying me bridal style back to the car. I look towards his face to see that it's set into his usual cold glare and I gulp.

Ma. That one word echos in my head as he opens the passenger door and practically shoves me inside before doing my seatbelt. I watch in astonishment as he walks over to his side and locks all the doors before he starts driving again. I turn to him when he turns right instead of left, "Where are we going? My house is the other way." He glances at me once before looking straight at the road again.

"My house." My mouths falls open, ready to protest, but he beats me to it, "Your foot is bleeding, Lee. Your not going home until I take care of it. Your foot could get infected." My breathing stops all together when my nickname slips past his lips.

Lee. He just called me Lee for a second time and it wasn't over text, and he wasn't apologising for anything, he used it normally. It slipped out his mouth so easily like he calls me it all the time.

I could care less about my foot (I didn't even notice it bleeding) all I could think about is how Jaden is acting. He wants to....look after me? I've never felt so confused then when I'm with Jaden, only he can make me feel like this.

I clear my throat and turn back in my seat, "Who's car is this?" I break the silence as he pulls into the driveway. All the lights are out.

"My friends, I'm picking him up tomorrow, so he can get it back." I nod my head, about to get out of the car, before he stops me. "Your bleeding, remember? I'm picking you up."

"Jaden, that's not necessary, really—" he's already at my side of the car before I can he get my foot out the car, and I'm suddenly up in his arms again. I go tense in his arms as he walks me through the house and up to his bedroom. He gently places me on the bed before going into his bathroom.

He comes back a couple of minutes later with a first aid kit in his hand before he softly picks my foot up and crouches down in front of me, so that he can rest it on his knee, "This might hurt a little." He mumbles before wiping it down with alcohol. I wince at the sting and grab onto anything I can—which just so happens to be his shoulder. I lean forward as he dabs my cuts and looks up at me, that's when it hits me just how close we really are.

I look into his familiar brown eyes as he stares back into my green ones, "Why are you back with Ava?" I whisper under my breath. He sighs and leans back, clearing his throat in the process, "It doesn't matter, drop the subject."


"I said drop it, Leah!" He shouts before dropping my foot. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, "Done, I think you can bandage it, no?" I grab onto his hand before he's just about to walk off.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of asked. I'm sorry," I grip his hand harder as I pull him back. His shoulders slump as he gets back into the same position and picks my foot back up and starts to wrap it up. "Thank you, J." I bite my lip as he looks up at me and nods his head.

"J?" He asks with a small smirk before attending back to my wounds, "You called me Lee, did you not?" He laughs under his breath before lightly placing my foot onto the bed.

"Get some rest, Leah." He shakes his head as he lightly pushes me onto my back and throws the quilt over me.

"Wait! Your not taking me back home?" I ask him as he turns out the lights.

"It's one a.m, I think you should just stay the night. I'll take the couch." And with that, he closes the door behind him and I'm left in the dark with my running thoughts.

I cuddle deeper into his duvet as I turn onto my side and get hit in the face with his scent on his pillows. So much has happened today, and I guess my promise has already been broken.

There's no way I'm going to escape Jaden. He's everywhere....and I'm not mad about it, not anymore.

This might just be my favourite chapter so far :) I think Leah and Jaden are finally getting somewhere...? Who knows.

You're Insufferable |Jaden Walton fanficWhere stories live. Discover now