174 - The Damned Demon Queen

Comenzar desde el principio

I dashed at Azeroth, waiting for her to swing her blade as she got close. As soon as she sent a swing for my head, I ducked and planted my hand against the ground, preparing to shoot myself upwards and kick her weapon out of her hand.

She barely dodged it, but in response I was now wide open. She grabbed my leg with her other hand, throwing me away and into the ground. I quickly recovered, dodging a blade stabbed into the ground right next to me.

"Quite flexible." Azeroth hummed. "That could be useful."

"I-I'm Lilith Akuma. Y-you can call me Lily..." She said, introducing herself.

"Well...I could teach you..." Lily shyly stated.

Azeroth was suddenly in front of me in an instant, eyes shining with anticipation as she swung her sword down upon me. I brought Medea up, blocking her sword with the hard cover of the book.

"Oh?" Azeroth suddenly realized. "A second Arcana?"

While she was distracted I grabbed her face and slammed her into the ground. I slammed my foot down, only for her to roll out of the way. She gripped my foot, somehow finding the strength to throw me into the sky despite her position.

She jumped after me, flying above me and sending a kick into my stomach, sending me into the ground at extreme speeds.

"Ken!" Medea cried out. "Shit!"

I coughed and heaved as I laid in my own crater. I think some of my ribs broke...if not more of my bones.

Blood dripped from my head. I could feel it trickle over my eyes and I could taste the iron in my mouth.

Damn it...!

"Hello everyone." Irene said.

"An Arcana can be upgraded." She revealed, dropping a bomb upon us all.

"Is this really all?" Azeroth looked down upon me. "I had expected more from this Ken..."

She walked down the crater, looking disapprovingly upon my broken body. She leaned down, staring at me in the eyes with a now cold look.

She started to speak once more. "It seems I'll have to try once again-"

Until I stabbed a basic Medea-summoned knife into her eye. She gasped, throwing her head backwards with a roar of pain as her other hand tossed me out of the crater. I rolled across the ground, my body aching from every second I was in contact with the ground.

I shakily stood back up, clutching at my chest, where I was still pretty sure a couple ribs were broken. However, I could already feel the pain starting to go away.

"Eric Arthurson." He greeted, shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you Kage."

"I'm a girl, Ken."

Thank Avalon.

"Always having another surprise..." Azeroth walked out of the crater, pulling the knife out of her eye and throwing it to the side, where it disintegrated into the air.

Black blood dripped from her eye, which had become an extremely bloody mess.

"You talk too much." I retorted. "You should shut it before I sow your mouth closed."

"What a dirty trick." Azeroth continued, completely ignoring me. "Just what I like. Maybe you are the one..."

I prepared myself for her to approach. She appeared in front of me in an instant, reaching for my throat. I blocked her grasp, only to gasp as I felt something sink into my stomach.

I tried to deflect the blade, but I wasn't strong enough. And as the blade dug into my flesh, I could feel it sap all of the energy out of me. My lightning fully dissipated, leaving me completely weak.

She gripped my throat, pulling me up into the air as her sword laid into my stomach.

"What gives you the drive to fight?" She asked. "It's those girls, isn't it? I'll make sure to change that. I'll make sure it's only me...just like before."

"Ha..." I spat blood in her face. "My girls would destroy you any day."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." She threw me to the ground, before pulling her sword out of my stomach. "You can feel it, can't you? Completely drained of your strength. This blade does that to any of you..."

Azeroth turned away from me. "Now why don't you just sit there all nice and pretty as I bring the rest of 'your girls' here and execute them one by one?"

Erica looked at the scene, tears streaming down from her eyes as she struggled.

"Hi there! If you're curious about the Royal Aegis Family, you can always ask me!" An Elf Princess' voice said from behind me.

. . .

"Uh...excuse me mister?" A disguised idol asked someone in front of me.

. . .

"You better be strong. Don't disappoint her." The icy champion stated.

. . .

"So who are you?" I asked.

"Rose Valentine." She stated. "You?"

. . .


I felt myself start to laugh. It hurt. I didn't want to move. I just wanted to lie there forever. But I had to move. Just like Goku's training...I have to keep going.

They're my girls. And no one is going to fucking take that away from me.


And so I stood back up.

"You..." Azeroth looked at me with wide eyes. "You stood up. You're the one."

"If you think you will even get close to fighting my girls..." I chuckled. "Fuck, this is going to be fun."

Azeroth watched as I continued to laugh.

"I am going to tear you limb from limb, finger by finger." I grinned. "I am going to murder you a thousand times over just for Erica...and then another thousand for every girl."

I thrusted my arm out, straining to call him. Just like how I'm not whole without my girls, I cannot be whole without him. He's a piece of me. Which means he's mine.

And I felt it. Reaching through the painful darkness, I could feel my whole body feel like it was doused in the fire of hell itself. But I found that small spark of connection.

My axe started to spark with electricity, before I suddenly flew into the air, cutting Erica's chains as it flew out of view.

Azeroth looked up in the sky in surprise as an blazing green object started to fall from the sky like a meteor, cutting its way though the world.

"LOKI!" I screamed.

And as I felt my hand grip the handle, a green beam of light rocked the sky.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora