Chapter 87

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()= Thinking/ Replacing

*= Actions

""= Phone

/= Whispers

--= Narrator

~~= Timeskip

Darren POV:


I was sleeping on my desk while Lucas walked over towards me, I hid my scars and bruises perfectly while my "brother" already went "home". I couldn't even feel less if that entire family was killed in a car crash.

Lucas: Darren! Darren wake up!

I slowly opened my eyes and checked my head that was sweating from probably infections.

Darren: Lucas...

Lucas: You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake you up so soon. But everyone has already gone home.

I looked around to see everyone already missing from their desks.

Darren: Is that so?

Lucas: Cold as ever.

I slowly pulled out a love letter that I received from a girl named Yoko from under my desk.

Darren: To receive such a letter... it's my first time for this...

Lucas: Really? Thought you would be experienced by now.

Darren: No, and I gave my answer already.

Lucas: I was there, you said yes. Didn't you?

Darren: Yeah... although lately, she's been acting a bit distant.

Lucas: C'mon, it's only been a month in your relationship, be more confident.

Darren: Yeah...

Lucas: Well, you can sort out your thoughts this weekend with me. But a question, do you even love her?

Darren: I... I don't know...

Lucas: Darren... as your best friend. I will care about your feelings more than I care about my other friends. After all, we've known each other since we were 4, right?

Darren: Yeah... I don't know how to feel about Yoko though.

Lucas: Darren-San.

I turned my head towards him while he was making a pleading eyesight.

Lucas: Who would you choose? Yoko, or me, your best friend?

Darren: Th-th-that's a different thing, but I guess I would choose you if you became a girl.

Lucas: Telling me to get transgender now?

The two of us started to laugh, allowing me to forget about the abuse that happened to me for just a second or so.

Darren: (Commonality was fun for a while. It allowed me to forget about the abuse that happened to me, back then, life wasn't so complicated for me. The world wasn't out to kill me except for my family.)

Darren: But, I hope that I'll find someone that treasures me one day.

Lucas: You already have Yoko. That should be said by me.

Darren: (It was only when you lost everything that you realize... that you would rather be in those old days instead. But, that's for normal people.)

~Flashback ends~

Darren POV:

I pointed my gun towards the opponents while smirking.

Isami: Where's doll master?

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