Luo Qingye fell straight onto the carpet at Chu Yiqiao's feet because of numbness in his legs, still holding the white shirt that Chu Yiqiao was wearing in his hand, his eyes fell on Chu Yiqiao's naked back and the tummy behind his waist. It hooked people's waist, and stared blankly.

    The emotion in the eyes changed from shock to surprise.

    ... This man's figure...

    "No?" Chu Yiqiao looked down at Luo Qingye at his feet: "Then you can't wait now?"

    Luo Qingye realized that Chu Yiqiao had taken off his glasses, which were not covered by cold glasses The elegant and indifferent face faded away, but the abstinence and coldness, the inadvertent expression between the eyebrows and eyes can affect the heart and soul. At this time, the eyes looking at him are much colder than before, this is the real indifference.

    The hand gripping the shirt tightened, already escaped from that disgusting hell, how could he go back, he wouldn't go back, no matter what.

    Don't try to dump him.

    "Brother, don't want me, I will be good, I don't want to can do anything you want me to do, as long as you don't drive me away."

    Chu Yiqiao watched the little guy start to cry, crying pitifully , and even made some movements that were incomprehensible to him.

    The back of his hand felt wet and warm, Luo Qingye gently kissed the back of his hand, and at the same time carefully raised his eyes to look at him, full of grievances inside.

    Why doesn't this guy subconsciously push away when he touches him.

    The lights were dim, and the atmosphere was made subtle by this ambiguous movement.

    "Anything is fine?"

    Luo Qingye heard the indifference in Chu Yiqiao's tone, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. It must be that his reaction just now was too intense to make people dissatisfied. He hugged his shirt and nodded quickly: "As long as my brother keeps me If you don't drive me away, I can do whatever you want."

    Chu Yiqiao bent down, looked at Luo Qingye's face from side to side, and finally moved to Luo Qingye's neck, looking for something:

    "Then tell me what kind of alpha you are. If I like it, then I'll consider keeping you." The

    sense of smell is his weakness, and the scum wants to use it to manipulate him, testing him time and time again. Didn't he just want his pheromone disorder syndrome to break out completely, so that he could get the shares, the contract and all the property left by his mother as a matter of course?

    That being the case, it's better to stay a good boy.

    As He She said, what he needs now is not medicine, but an alpha.

    An alpha who can resist all alphas for him.

    The tip of his nose brushed against his neck inadvertently, his voice was clear and clear, his breath fell warmly on his head, the inexplicable numbness was like a weak electric current stimulating his body, Luo Qingye felt that something was wrong with him, he didn't know whether it was the overly close distance that made him shy or Because Chu Yiqiao asked him this sentence.

    In abo sex, asking about a partner's pheromone scent is nothing more than flirting.

    "... Oolong sweet-scented osmanthus honey."

    These six words came to Chu Yiqiao's mind, the alpha of oolong sweet-scented osmanthus, and amber eyes sparkled: "Is it so sweet?"

    What a pity, he couldn't smell it arrive.

    I don't know if such a sweet little alpha will make him physically uncomfortable. The current contact doesn't seem to make him feel very repelled, and the smell seems to be very good.

    ——Is it so sweet?

    Just saying these few words from Chu Yiqiao's mouth, obviously only five words, Luo Qingye felt half of his body go limp. This strange but shameful feeling made his body hotter and hotter, as if he had drunk it for no reason. The wine was slightly intoxicating, like waves approaching one after another, approaching gently and falling heavily, blurring his eyes.

    Not to mention that Chu Yiqiao's upper body is close at hand, if you want to touch it, you can touch it with just raising your hand.

    "Then, brother, what do you smell like?"

    "Me?" Chu Yiqiao thought to himself, he really didn't know this, he straightened up, with a half-smile: "You guess?"

    Luo Qingye felt a little disappointed, why didn't he want to tell him, but he still cheered up and looked up at Chu Yiqiao: "Brother, can I stay, I will definitely be very good!"

    "Yes, but I have a condition."

    "I can agree to anything!"

    Chu Yiqiao turned and walked to the bathroom, only leaving Luo Qingye a back view: "You just need to stay by my side obediently, and do whatever I ask you to do." What, don't lie to me, I can give you everything. Otherwise—"

    Luo Qingye hurriedly followed with his white shirt in his arms: "Otherwise what?"

    Chu Yiqiao walked into the bathroom, and before closing the door, he glanced sideways at Luo Qingye, seeing this The child hugged his white shirt and said with an unclear smile,

    "Please leave."

    He is not a good person.

    The bathroom door closed slowly, and Luo Qingye stood at the bathroom door for a long time without moving, until the sound of dripping water came from inside.

    ... This man didn't do anything to him, and he was indifferent to his appearance, and finally left him, all he needed was for him to be obedient, and he didn't need to do anything.

    Not long ago, there were still noisy voices in my ears, and I could only ask for perfection in order to survive.

    But now, his world suddenly became quiet.

    He looked down at his arm, which still had bruises from the previous beating. The white shirt in his hand was pure white and clean, as if holding it by himself would stain it.

    Listening to the sound of water coming from inside, Chu Yiqiao couldn't help but appear in his mind.

    This is the man he felt afraid to blaspheme easily when he met him for the first time.

    It is a clean, cold and powerful Omega.

    Not like those Omegas.

    Leaning his back against the wall next to the bathroom, he hugged the white shirt greedily, sucking it greedily. Taking a deep breath, a scent rushes into the nostrils, it is a slightly drunken scent.

    The aroma of cherry brandy is seductive and slightly intoxicating.

    His hands could not help obeying his will, as if driven by instinct, he stood outside the bathroom door, and Chu Yiqiao was taking a bath inside, and he put his white shirt close to his nose.


    Until the sound of water inside stopped, the moment he came out from nervousness and fear, his head went blank and his back trembled.

    Clenched wet hands did not let go.

    "You smell

    so good, too." The young man's youthful and beautiful face was shy, as if he didn't know much about the world, and the smile that emerged from the bottom of his eyes made this clean face almost morbid. Yan Se, who is still the little boy in front of Chu Yiqiao, clearly looks like a little Satan.

    Some thoughts cannot be stopped once they start.

    Pollution stains the white shirt.

    Now he is no longer the lunatic in Caesar's Palace, but the little boy who belongs to Chu Yiqiao.

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