Chapter 12: Guilty

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(Hiiii! Im so happy that i finally managed to make another chapter! I will start a few different fanfictions with some of the other members of the sidemen and beta squad. but eh yeah this chapter is a bit more uhmmm.. Yeah i tried "Experimenting" with my skills. (Which clearly didnt go well) But i hope you enjoy this a bit different kind of chapter and just a small warning cuz its a little spicyy iykyk)


So there i am, in pure shock not knowing how to feel. Why did i lie? Why am i letting him kiss me? I pull away from him. "Your dating him aren't you?" He says. "You knew?" I say offended. "Yeah. I think." He silently says. He looks jealous and emberrassed.

"I'm sorry i have to go." I say and leave in pure shock and feeling disgusted.

In my car while driving i get a notification. From Niko. "Hey you wanna come over?" God i feel guilty. "Yeah i'm on my way" I text back. My head is spinning. I keep getting flashbacks. Oh my god, jj kissed me knowing i have a boyfriend. How could he even want someone like me? Normally his girlfriends and one night stands look like top tier models.. and uh i dont.


I enter the house and head up to Niko's room. I knock and instantly hear a "Come in" As soon as i enter his room he gets a smile on his face. His room is a little dark but tolerable. The only light is the red led lights hanging in the corners of his room. "God i've missed you." He says as he grabs my face and gently kisses me. All of a sudden he pins me on the wall and grabs me by the waist. As he was making out with me i could feel him getting more aggressive and uhhh... "Excited" if you wanna call it that.  I slowly feel his hands shift away from my hips and move onto the rest of my body. "Slow down" I whispered in his ear. But he doesn't seem to acknowledge my words. It wasnt a matter of time before both our shirts and cargos were torn off while being all over eachother on his bed. He was kissing my neck when all of a sudden i accidentally let out a moan, knowing the others were home. Only 2 minutes later we heard a knock on his door. From the outside i could hear a voice shout "Yo niko you wanna go to the mall and get something to eat?" Niko chose to ignore him. He was too busy with me. And as the type that Sharky is he barges in when he gets no response. And ofcourse Niko forgot to lock the door. "WOAAAHHH" He says as he covers his eyes and closes the door. I let out a giggle, and so does he. "So that was a no?" He says laughing on the other side of the door as me and Niko put our clothes on again. "Nah we'll be out in 5 minutes" He says as he pins me down on his bed again.

5 minutes later--

Me and Niko come laughing out his room after what sharky walked in on. "Soooo what were you two lovebirds doing?" Sharky says teasingly at the front door step with the car key in his hand. "Your not funny man" Niko says while putting on his shoes.

The car ride was very awkward but eventually we got there. Me, Niko and Sharky go in the mall and order some food. I look around and spot ksi and Simon. SHIT. My behaviour changed the second i saw him. "Uhhh... Uhm Niko ill be right back." i say and sprint to the toilets. I sit on the floor in panic for about five minutes. I decide im gonna try my best not to be suspicious. I walk back out. Oh fuckkkk. Niko and Sharky decided it would be a good idea to sit next to jj and Simon. I aproach them like they both didnt just kiss me on the same day. "Hiiiii..." I say awkwardly. Jj sends me this despising but jealous look. "Oh hey y/n didnt know you were tagging along with Niko and Sharky." Simons always happy to see me since hes my bestfriend. But jj just stays silent. Understandable to be fair. They were all talking and laughing but me and jj were completely silent. When we were done eating and still just chatting. Suddenly i feel Nikos hand grab on my thigh lightly. Dammmnnn, blushing fr😏. "You okay? Your acting weird." He asks me. "Yeah im fine just a bit tired you know?" I say and rest on his shoulder. "Okay" He responds.

5 minutes later and were heading back to his house.

At home-

"Niko? Can i stay at your place for the night?" Sharky turns around offended "UHMM HELLO? I live here too" He says and laughs. "Yeah sure" Niko replies and unlocks the front door. "Yeah but dont make any too loud noises y/n i have to get early up for tomorrow for a video shooting and some sleep would be appreciated" He says knowing i would get mad. "Oh you fucking dickhead" I say and slap him lightly. Luckily he dodges my hit. I head up to nikos room when i get a notification. From jj. Oh no. "Why would you lie about you and him being together?" I just stare at the message not knowing how to respond. 

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