Chapter 2: the party

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I wake up to my alarm. Wait why do i have an alarm on? SHIT. The party is today? fuck fuck fuck no! I don't have anything to wear. Guess i have to go shopping at the mall then. I go out in the kitchen and feed my cat, snowball. After breakfast i take on some jeans and a ndl hoodie. I secretly supported the ndl movement even though i knew Niko was the owner and creator of the ndl.

I head into the mall and head straight to primark. As i stand in the same mallstreet as primark i see someone familiar coming out of the store only standing a few feet away from him. Niko?! He was carrying a bag over his shoulder with some fancy sunglasses on. He turns around to see me. completely forgetting I had an ndl hoodie on i see him heading over to me. "The one and only y/n! Hyped for the party tonight huh?" He said mockingly. "How would you know?!" I said annoyingly back at him. "I have my ways darling." I felt myself blush but at the same time I wanted to puke "Weirdo" I say while giggling. "See you tonight" He said and walked off.
After buying a cute blue dress I remember nikos favorite color is blue. Well shit.

I get home and get in the dress. I do my makeup and storm out of my apartment expecting to be late to the party. Luckily I was only a few minutes late, and nobody really noticed.

When i enter the house i quickly notice Sharky and Simon in a corner talking. I grab a drink and head over to them. "Hey guys! How are we?" I say hoping to fit in with them "Doing perfect now that your here." He said. Friendly of course.

I scan the crowd, there was a lot of people since all the cameramen and editors for some reason also was at the party. I suddenly notice Niko from a far glaring at me. I quickly get off my chair to get another drink. I mean, mostly for him to stop staring at me. I was standing in the kitchen taking a break from all the noise and people. "Why are you here all alone?" I hear a voice say. Oh god not Niko. "Just...taking a break you know?" I say trying to get him to leave. "I saw what you were wearing earlier." He said and let out a little giggle. "It's not what you think." i say quietly. We both giggled, and i felt a little spark. But i knocked it off. I was probably just tipsy.

Suddenly i see him turn around and leave. I then hear a voice over in the corner talking to me "You sure you don't like him? I hear Sharky say. "SHARKY. Holy shit you scared me. And no i DONT!" I say and storm off while he's laughing at me. When i return to the party i see george waving me over. The cameraman for Nikos channel. "Hey y/n" He said. "Hey george,what's up??" I said curiously. "I just wanted to ask, do you fancy Niko?" He said looking at me. "No why would you even think that?" I said feeling violated. "I heard from Niko you were wearing a ndl hoodie. Is it his hoodie?" My face went from happy to fuming. I'm gonna find that prick right now. "That's straight up waffle, i hate Niko!" I said and stormed off. I searched the whole house. I jumped to the conclusion that he was probably in his room looking for something.

I went upstairs and went into his room. Instantly i smelled a specific cologne. I liked it. I then spotted his phone. As the creep i am i tapped on his phone to see his lock screen. it was a picture of...ME?! That stupid picture of the day we were forced to be friends for a video. I still remember that selfie. But shit, he likes me? I quickly took a picture of his phone with me on it and snuck out of his room again. I realised he was in Aj's room since i heard chatter from his room. I quickly ran down to the party before he came into the hallway and saw me. In the party i saw Niko came back. I couldn't stop thinking about what i saw on his phone. I then headed over to him. "Niko can you come with me for a second?" I asked him. "Whatever." He said and followed me

The loud song in the background was candy shop by 50 cent which had alot of bass but somehow i managed to say to him "Why did you tell people about my hoodie? Everyone thinks its yours." I could see he was processing what i just said. "Because its funny and i dont like you one bit." He said and stared into my eyes with pure evilness. There was loud silence, and 50 cent rapping made me cringe, before i finally murmured "That's not what your lock screen says." I say while looking into his eyes. "I-" He was about to say something before he storms off. The way his expression changed as i talked was entertaining.

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