Chapter 9

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True Colours

Harry's POV

"I need to tell Eileen you have woken up. I bet she would be so glad, she is feeling so guilty." I was thinking out loud.

I heard Louis growl as soon as I said Eileen's name. Oh, that must be a sensitive subject. Better avoid it for now.

On instinct I lifted Louis out of bed and placed him on my lap.

"My name is Harry, but I think you already know that, Louis." I told the boy as I held him in my arms while he cried and cried.

Now that he was awake and I held him in my arms I knew that is where I wanted him to be for the rest of my life.

"I know you just woke up, but we need to talk about a lot of things. I need to know where you want to stay and if you want to stay." I felt him relax a bit as I hugged him closer.

I felt so comfortable with him, and as I said it I kissed his forehead. Before I realised what I did, it had already happened, I would have thought Louis would get angry and push me away after my action. But he snuggled closer to me, nosed at my collarbone, and I felt him completely relax.

I had so many questions for him. We did talk, but did we really? I felt him listen to me, and I know what happened to him. Not everything, because even though he was unconscious he wouldn't tell me what had happened to him what made him become a rogue.

I needed to know, and I wanted to ask, but I felt Louis' breathing calm down, and felt his body relax fully. After a minute or two of me and my wolf enjoying Louis in our lap, I realised he had fallen asleep.

How could he be so comfortable to be sleeping on me, if we didn't know each other at all? And yet it felt like I have know Louis all my life. I never wanted to let him go. I have never ever felt my wolf being this content.

I need to get to Liam and explain what is happening here. Maybe he has an idea of what is going on with me and my wolf and Louis.

As soon as I entered Liam's house I noticed his family was all there.

"I have some good news, and I need to talk to you in private later Liam." I said as I walked in the living room.

"What is the good news?" Niall asked. "Did you bring food?"

"No Niall, I didn't bring food."

"Louis is awake."

Liam knows who I am talking about but the others didn't. "Who is that?" Niall asked.

"The rogue, his name is Louis, he is awake."

"I need to go to him." Eileen said.

"No you better not, he just woke up and he growled the moment I said your name. So maybe he is a little angry. Just wait a few days. I will tell you when he is ready."

"Why are you talking like you know him, Harry?" Taylor said.

"I feel like I do know him. I was in his room and we talked for a long time, but we didn't actually talk. I really feel a connection to him." I rambled. "I really need to talk to you about this Liam." I said to him. Liam just nodded like he already knew what was going on.

Taylor's face morphed in something very unattractive after I told her this information about Louis.

"It's okay aunt Eileen, he will come around. After he realises it was not your fault you slipped into a coma." Niall said as he hugged Eileen. She was sobbing so hard because of the fact I said Louis didn't want to see her.

I can imagine how she feels, she must feel so guilty and all she wants is asking for Louis to forgive her, but he doesn't want to talk.

He doesn't want to talk to anybody, and all he told me was mostly when he was unconscious.

"He is an ungrateful rogue. I mean what did you expect, a rogue is a rogue, they have absolutely no..." Taylor started but I cut her off.

"Shut the fuck up Taylor. You don't even know Louis." I yelled at her. I didn't meant to yell at her, but her mentioning Louis triggered something.

"Why are you yelling at me, I am only stating facts here."

"You have absolutely no clue what happened to him, did you expect him to thank Eileen after what Nick did to her, when she promised he would be save?"

"Why do you even care about that ugly rogue Harry? Since the bonfire, and your mate being gone for over 5 years, maybe it is time......." Taylor said, but I wasn't listening, I was getting more annoyed with her, why in the world would she think it would be okay for her to talk about Louis like that and mentioning Kay.......

"SHUT UP TAYLOR!" Liam roared. He looked at her with disgust, like he couldn't believe his own sister would say those things. He looked at me and I saw in his eyes he wanted nothing to do with her at this moment. Taylor's behaviour was getting more and more out of hand, and since the last bonfire she thought she could do and say anything she wanted. I was only accepting this behaviour because she was Liam's sister and Liam was my beta. But my patience was wearing thin with her.

"I just don't see why he should care about that fucking rogue when he has......."

That it I am done, "You know absolutely nothing, and I don't want to hear any nonsense coming out of your mouth. Because all I hear when you open your mouth lately is nonsense. Not all Rogues are bad, you know nothing about them, you try standing in their shoes for once. If you used that pea sized brain of yours for once you would also know what people are saying and maybe feel some empathy. Only an ignorant person would say the shit you say."

Taylor had the nerve to look at me like I hurt her feelings.

I couldn't stay here and listen to the bullshit she spews. It is getting worse with the days. I felt my anger still radiate off me. I saw Liam and Niall look at me with worried looks on their faces, and Taylor only looked at me with so much disgust, I needed to get away, like now.

Deep down I already knew Taylor would create problems with Louis. But some part of me silly enough believed that Taylor wouldn't do that because I was still her alpha. However if I thought about it realistically she didn't show any form of respect since the last bonfire.

I needed some time to cool off. That girl is getting on nerves lately. As soon as I was away from their home I changed into my wolf and charged into the forest.

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