Chapter 2

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Dylan & Cole

Louis' POV

It was 5 years ago now, and I was somewhat happy. And that for being a rogue. The pain of being rejected stayed in my chest all the time, and my wolf howled every now and then, claiming they needed our mate. When I told my wolf we were rejected he got angry with me and sometimes stayed away for more than a week.

A few weeks after I was kicked out of the pack I met two brothers. They were also rogues. They had a pack, and were living peacefully near the river a few miles away from where we met, but because of the war, their whole pack was murdered by another violent pack. And the ones who weren't murdered, mostly children, omega's and beta women, had the option to join the pack or get killed if they refused.

Dylan and Cole got lucky because they were fishing at the river at the moment of the attack, but they had no pack anymore and lived as rogues.

When we met, we had an instant click, I really liked the brothers, they were funny and respectful, and didn't question too much, when I didn't want to tell why I was living as a rogue.

We discovered soon we were a little pack of our own when I found out I could hear the brothers talking via their mind link. I tried to answer via mind link as well, and it worked. Since then we stayed together, hunting, traveling and setting up camp again. We were together for almost 5 years now.

Sometimes when i got lonely at cold dark nights, I wondered if it would help to mate with one of the brothers to ease the pain in my chest. But we never did, we were good friends, more like family, and both brothers hoped to eventually meet their mate, and be accepted in a bigger pack.

Right now I was alone again, Dylan and Cole went out to go hunting and Cole got a funny feeling and thought his mate was close.

We had some contact via the mind link and they caught 2 rabbits and some fish. I had gone round to find some berries and other fruits in the surrounding area. I was back at camp, starting a fire when I heard Cole via mind link saying he saw his mate.

I felt the happy feeling of both brothers through the link and I heard the word mate again before both Dylan and Cole cut of the mind link.

I didn't think much of it, but now it was 3 days later and I got worried. They didn't reach out to me, and I could not reach them either. Just like they vanished. It didn't sit well with me, they would never leave me, at least not without telling me what was going on.

I heard a noise close to the camp, and got jumped up, listening hard to see if I could hear it again and where exactly it was coming from. Then I heard it to my left "Help...." I jumped up and ran to the sound. When I came close I saw this woman laying on the ground covered in blood.

She was lucky she ran into me, because as a nurse I could at least stop some of the bleeding. But I could not help this woman on my own, here in the middle of the woods. Maybe the pack of this woman is close and I can save her. And maybe they will be grateful for saving tis woman and accept me in the pack.

"I strayed too far from the border, a feral rogue got to me, please help me bring me back to my son" the woman said. I tried to calm her down, "tell me which pack you are from and how far away we are, I will help you" I said trying to comfort the woman.

Some part of me already knew this woman was to importance for her pack, I would not be surprised if she was the Luna of the pack. I just hoped it was not a Violent pack, but knowing she came from not far away my heart felt heavy as I listened to what she said.

"I am from the Crescent Moon Pack, please bring me back." The woman must have noticed how my face distorted in fear, because the Crescent Moon Pack was NOT nice to rogues, I know for a matter of fact, it is even normal for them to punish and torture rogues they catch to close to the border just for fun.

"Please help me, I can see you don't want to but I need your help to get there."
She was right, she needed my help, and I was not someone who would leave her here. If I left her, she would surely die, and that was not something I want to live with.

Reluctantly I got her up, and supported her, and step by step we slowly walked to her pack's border.

"Please, you have to make sure they don't hurt me, I know what your pack does, I need to be sure they won't hurt me" I said to her.

"Don't worry Darling, I will make sure my son or anyone else won't hurt you .

"I really hope it is true, and they won't hurt me"

I felt we got closer to the border, the violent acts of the pack oozed in the air, and for I second I was thinking of dropping the woman and running away.

I sniffed the air and for a second I thought I got a whiff of Dylan and Cole, but the moment I smelled it, it was already gone again.

"Mother!" I heard somebody scream. "Help me" I heard the woman mutter before she collapsed on me.

"You leave my mother alone you filthy rogue, step away from her!"

You have got to be fucking kidding me. I reach the border of the pack the woman promised me protection and just crashes down. Well fuck me. I slapped the woman on her cheeks muttering "No, no, no, don't do this to me, don't leave me like this. Wake up! Tell them I saved you, please, please."

I was pulled of the woman by my hair and thrown on the ground an few feet away. This alpha was so aggressive, I really got scared. I put my hands in front of me and said "I helped her, I didn't hurt her, she begged me to save her and bring her to you, I did what she asked, I helped her"

'SHUT UP!" the alpha roared, who said you could speak directly to me.

"You hurt my mother, coming here pretending you saved her, and thought I would reward you by letting you in my pack?"

I slumped down and shook my head. This was not how I planned this to go. I just should have run when I had the change. I am so dead. I just hope he makes it quick and doesn't feel the need to torture me.

"You and you" the alpha said while pointing to two young boys, "lock him up in the cage, and I will come for him later." 

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