Chapter 15

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So things are gunna get a little confusing, maybe, but I'll try my best to NOT confuse you^^

Chapter 15


Levada POV

I felt hot, burning outside in. I felt weak, tired and as always. I never could see. What number body was this..64? I lost track and just tried to guess now.

Something must be very wrong, I wasn't suppose to awake for another few years, I could feel that much. This body was to weak, breakable, small and young. I liked it and hated it.

 I don't think he'll live through this, plus his soul is already taking hits with me being released early. Souls fighting, two strong souls that is, will end up killing the other one. When a strong and weak soul fight, they can share bodies, but not very long without passing out after a few hours. And two weak souls, a lost soul just starting be within a chosen one and the chosen ones real owner. They can share but it's like split personalities fighting.

This boy, this body was young, the youngest for me so far. The body itself was burning and losing life. I didn't want to live life in this body. I've done that to many times. Where the main soul dies and I have to resume their life.

Being the God and Lost Soul that I was, I started searching Kayden's memory. No wonder I was rencardnated into him. He had a horrible life, so much pain and loss. I always was the one to get the tortured souls. Thanks to the powers beyond.

My wife always had the perfect souls. The ones that grew up with both parents, most popular in school. Best friends, gets everything they want and then they are given a lost soul. My only daughter was always placed into young men. She more manly than my own two sons. My two sons, Holkier and Kempe were always switching back and forth between a man and woman.

I wonder if their bodies are awakening as I am. I'm always the first, so must find the bodies that hold them and awaken them soon.

I pressed through his mind and soul. Controlling and feeling everything that was around me. This body was being held by someone. Someone full of power and strength. Switching souls always made the body glow white. Showing the power.

Abel POV

I no longer could see Kayden's body. He was a white body laying in my arms. I was crying. I had no clue what was happening. I've heard of lost souls but have never heard the stories besides loss and pain to the family and loved ones around them.

I watched my Kayden turn white, nothing but a shape. I was now afraid. This place was burning down and we were going to die. And we didn't even know which lost soul was in Kayden. And now we were never going to know. Not only were children dying, very important people were too.


Sorry if this was just a filler chapter but Wattpad is being weird and having troubles keeping stories.

Comment ^^

Oh and it's spring break so Im out with friends and having fun.

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