63. shooting star ( Finale pt 2)

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Bria's POV

It's like everything freezes at this Moment, as we hear the sound of his mom Voice. I day a quick prayer in my head that no one will die, that we will all make it off this bridge alive. 

" Ma? What's going on?" He demands,  turning around to see his mom standing behind Detective Michael.

" You're under arrest Dayvon,  let Bria go now", Micheal says pointing the gun at him.

" Bria... Bria did you have something to do with this?" He questions,  I can bear the hurt in his voice.

" Yes, I'm sorry Von I can't do this anymore", I say barely above a whisper.

" So you lied to me? I thought we was working everything out?" He says, confused.

" We are, I cant stay with you anymore, you hurt me", I say to him as tears rush down my face.

" Let her go Von or we will have to use force ", Detective Micheal says sternly as more police officers step up so we could see them.

" NO! I'm not going out like this", he Yells, grabbing me around the neck, pulling out a gun, pressing it to my head.

" Please Von, let me go baby, if you love me let me go", I plead, tears running down my face.

" Von I know you love her, if you let her go we can get you help, the help you really need", Detective Micheal says, stepping closer..

" I-I cant do that", Von says, shaking his head, pressing the gun into my temple even more, the cold metal was beginning to hurt.

" Please Von, let me go, this isn't healthy ", I say to him.

" SHUT yo Ungrateful ass up, i knew I shoulda locked yo ass away, you snaked me", he says in my ear.

" Dayvon you have 10 seconds to let her go or else", Micheal says stepping up again.

" Wait! Let me talk to him", Kentrell yells, getting out of a police car.

Behind him was Durk, relief washes over me as I see the both of them. I couldn't be more happier to see Kentrell. I can tell he was crying but he was trying to remain strong for me, Durk just looked so numb. I can't describe the look really on his face, he had a dark hood pulled over his blonde dreads.

" Stay ova thea or ima kill her", Von says, fumbling around with the trigger making me jump.

" I love when you scared" he says laughing licking my face, I cringe at the gesture. He was sick.

" Say mane let her go, dont you see what you been doing to her, she hurting mane", Kentrell says to him.

" Bria you tell him what happened to yall baby?" Von asks me.

" Von please not now, let me do it", I say,  trying to shake my head.

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