23. No air.

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Daylin and Dior screams is what wakes Bria up from her slumber. She jumps up, instantly leaning over to grab her phone, it was 2 am, Von has been gone for a couple days. Where he went? He took that girl Miranda on a trip to The Bahamas,  all of Von's friends went too with their girlfriends. Leaving Bria home with the babies, which made her feel sad. Even though Von doesn't hit her anymore, she thought things would work out between them, but she just decided to accept the role of just being his babymomma, I mean it seem that's what he just wanted her to be.

She sighs,  putting her phone down, getting out of bed going to the twin rooms who were still crying. She picks her babies up, rocking them both in her arms, singing softly. Dior was starting to calm down but Daylin cried even more. They weren't wet,  she just fed them about 10 minutes ago.

" Daylin what's wrong?" Bria coos, looking down at her son.

Dior and Daylin looked just like her and Von, they had Von's lips, eyes, but Bria's nose, and their brown skin. They were so beautiful,  and they looked so healthy to be premature babies, she knew they were miracles,  and they saved her life.

Finally Daylin was setting down, closing his eyes. She knew he was going back to sleep, but Dior was wide awake, just looking around. She lays Daylin back kn his crib, now holding Dior in her right arm. She runs her fingers through her Daughter's thick silky straight hair, Dior looked more like Von to her.

Dior starts to whine, so she must be hungry... again. She did eat more than Daylin. She heads downstairs to grab her one of her bottles, putting it in the sink, running hot water on the bottle so it could get hot. She suddenly hears her doorbell, she knew it couldn't be Von he had a key, unless he left it again...

But to her suprise it wasn't even Von,  it was Nau'Jour,  standing there in the rain drenched, it looked like he had been crying. She felt so many mixed emotions,  but one that stood out the most was anger and betrayal.  She tried to slam the door in his face but he catches it,  placing his foot in the door.

" Bria wait, don't ", he pleads, hoping she would change her mind.

" Get away from me now", she says trying to close the door but he pushes it back some more so he can get in.

" Why you doing all that?" He asks frowning, closing the door.

" I didn't say you can come in", She says in a harsh tone.

" You can't keep me out, even if you try ", he says staring at her.

" Yes I can, what are you even doing here?" She questions him, going to grab Dior bottle from the sink.

" To see you Bria, I love you and I know you love me too. We cant keep fight against fate", he says causing Bria to laugh.

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