55. fresh.

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No one uttered a word as they waited in the hospital lobby. Who were these individuals? Dayvon, Durk, Kayla, Dearra, and India. The five individuals were sitting there waiting to hear the fate of Bria who was last time they heard still unconscious.  It's been about a week and there hasn't been an update. Durk was worried because Von forced him to knock her unconscious,  it was just supposed to be for a second but it turned out to be a week. India was afraid too, she didnt want to be caught up in another murder, she was also mad because she wanted to stay away..

Dayvon was just hoping she wouldnt die, he didn't need her murder on his hands, he didn't even want it to get this far either but it wasnt his fault. At least that's what he was telling himself anyway. He felt like maybe is Bria told him that she knew his mom boyfriend was a cop she wouldnt be here. But she didn't,  she hid it from him. So it wasn't his fault at all.

" Man Von what are we gonna do?" Durk whispers, looking up at him.

Von saw that Durk was afraid, his wide light brown eyes filled with so many different emotions.

" We gon figure this shit out gang, she gon be good", Von assured his best friend.

" Von it been a week and she didn't wake up yet", Kayla says lowly.

" She gonna wake up ", Von says again, disregarding Kayla comment.

Before anyone else can say something, Bria's doctor, Doctor Cole approaches them, he appeared to be in a much lighter mood today.

" Hey Doc, what's going on?" Von asks him standing up.

" Well I have some good..  and bad news", he says, looking down at his clipboard.

" Well tell us, we can take it, " Dearra says,  in a anxious tone, though her and Bria fell out, she still cared for her.

" Well good news she is awake, healthy, and the baby is fine. The bad news is that she doesn't remember anything", he says to them.

" Wait... what do you mean? Her memory is gone?" Durk asks, confused.

" Well from the tests we just ran, her memory is completely gone. We're just not sure if its permanent or just temporarily ", He explains.

" So what do you think we should do?" Von asks him.

" Well its nothing you can do as of now, let's just see if her memories come back on their own, if they dont within the next 3 to 6 months bring her back here", he says, shrugging. 

" Okay Doc, can we see her?" Von asks him, smiling.

" Yes, you all can come into the room as well. Did you still want that special suprise?" He asks Von.

" Yeah I do", Von says smiling.

" Okay well the suprise will be there in the next 15 minutes, her room is 64", he says smiling before walking away.

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