she hesitated, finally taking in what she was seeing. he was covered in dirt and blood, wounds and dirty old bandages, no those werent bandages, she couldn't quite figure out what it was and she was too scared to ask or look around for what hed done or happened. But he was hurt, badly at that and all over. the fact that he was incredibly skinny didnt help. he looked sick and the way his eyes moved around showed that he was focused, paranoid. she'd never seen someone like this, let alone an omega.

" did you run from your pack ? did they do this to you " she dared to ask afterall, curiousity getting the best of her and he turned his head back to her with a frown turning to a glare " what are you talking about ?"

" y-you're.. you're hurt "

" you're not ?" he stepped closer looking over her again confused and somewhat disgusted while she backed away against the wall uncomfortably " you must please them well to look this clean"

" excuse me ?" she rose her eyebrows.

he only looked away nothing but irritated " are you escaping or not ??"

" n-no.. why- I don't.. I don't need to, I love my pack " she explained carefully.

it seemingly caught him off guard as his hard expression softened and she asked " you're running from your pack ? they were hurting you right ?"

he stepped away even more perplexed by her" of.. course.. "

" listen, my pack.. they're good wolves, this.. this seems like a misunderstanding if you come with me we can explain it together and help you.. "

he was in disbelief as he looked over her " did they tell you to say that ? why don't they just get it over with but sent you instead ? do they want me to kill you?"

"no!" she lifted her hands to him in fear
"m-my pack isnt like that, we help others, we can help you too.. your arm .. it, you look pretty bad"

he pulled the scissor out again glaring at her once more "why are you talking so much garbage?"

" its true.. erm .. ok " she took her jacket off to roll her sleeves up shakingly at how hurried she moved around " look.. no bruise, well except for this one.. I got this from falling off the bed in my sleep "

his eyes stayed on her pale arms in disbelief as he carefully stepped closer to get a better look, lifting his fingers and touching her skin, searching for any evidence of make up but she wasnt wearing any, her skin was clear from any injuries, she didnt even carry any scars. Like shed never even been hurt before. His anger faded and curiosity came forward as he asked quietly " you.. you slept in a bed ?"

Jennie looked up at him in hesitation " I have my own bed.. in my own room "

his eyes lifted to meet hers confused. Wide and searching for a trace that revealed her lie but she seemed genuine even if it was unimaginable to kyungsoo, he dropped his hands from her arm still dazed in shock and she parted her lips.

Yet Before she could say anything more, the door busted open loudly, jongin rushed in and instantly pulled kyungsoo back slamming him against the wall with a growl, eyes lighting up in golden as he panted from the run. Yet even he hesitated once he realized it was an omega, he'd slammed took a gold off and was now glaring back at him.

Kyungsoo reached to his pocket while struggling
Until he gripped the scissor attempting to swing it at the beta only to have his wrist be caught by him and then twisted earning a groan from him until the scissor fell once the alpha had entered with panicked and fierce eyes landing on his daughter, another beta of his following inside.

" Jennie! are you ok !? What the hell were you thinking !?" Alpha sojoon was breathless as he looked her over holding her face by her cheeks.

" I'm fine.. " she turned away from her father, shaking his hands off to look at jongin and kyungsoo, caught off guard and overwhelmed.
" let him go hes not.. hes.. he just needs help " she pleaded.

Sojoon also looked over at that, anger painting his face as he exhaled in rage, eyes turning red and he took heavy steps closer to his beta and the retained omega.

Yet as he got closer, ready to speak, ready to yell or threaten. His words got caught up im his throat and he blinked as the red faded, he froze im his spot. Only a frown was left behind when the omegas blue eyes glared up at him.

A familiar feeling surged though his chest and he swallowed not being able to pry his eyes off from the blue. " sojoon " jongin called confused at his frozen alpha but he still didnt move as his lips parted and his frown hardened, eyes unable to look anywhere else but at the ghost he felt seeing in front of him.
" let him go " he finally ordered his beta, who frowned in return displeased and irritated.
" what?"

sojoon looked at jongin strictly now instead
" let him go, now "

Finally jongin clenched his jaw hesitant before he let the omega go and stepped back with a tense expression watching every move of the boy.

Kyungsoo turned his head also confused by the fact that an alpha just told his beta off for him. And then there was the girl and his seemingly concern for her. What was special about her she was just an omega afterall but clearly it had been something usual for them to be treatlng her wrong.
" who are you ?" The alpha asked but
Kyungsoo didn't answer, instead he only glared up at him.

" dad.. he's hurt, he told me he ran away.. we should help him-"
" Jennie " he warned her, furious eyes meeting hers briefly. He was glad she was ok but now the rage of her not listening to him and doing something so recklessly stupid was kicking in not to mention the overwhelming feeling that crushed into him once he saw the boy. " tie his hands we're taking him back "

" are you sure ?" Eujin asked as if she thought she'd heard wrong. Jongin only looked after his alpha confused who started heading out the cabin already without giving a proper answer. Mind clearly troubled as he looked to be lost in sudden thoughts.

Jongin exchanged another confused glance with eujin before he accepte her scarf and tid the boys wrists. Noticing then the wounds on his hands and the particularly bad looking arm the omega had. It made him slow down his actions when he couldnt help but briefly glance up at the omegas tired and dirty face, eyes no longer meeting anyone elses when instead they glared to the side.

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