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"Wook Mickey ahaha" Steve laughed as he showed Mike his toy cars that moved when pushed down

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"Wook Mickey ahaha" Steve laughed as he showed Mike his toy cars that moved when pushed down. Mike was also called Mickey because Steve couldn't quite pronounce his name, Mike hated it but put up with it for Steve.

"That's so cool Steve, want me to help you get this out of the packet?" Mike holds up a purple octopus that had 4 balls with it. It's supposed to move the arms in a circle motion and fling the balls out.

"Pwease" Mike gets it out of the packet and Jonathan puts the batteries in before turning it on.

"Woah" Steve clapped once they all flew out. Everyone soon opened their presents before doing a bit of a tidy up from rubbish. Jonathan started sorting out Steve's new clothes so they could be put away.

"Mama dwink pwease" Steve held out his new Thomas and Friends sippy cup out to her.

"It needs to be washed first honey"

"Pwease" Steve begs.

"Why don't we help mama wash up his new plate sets and cup, huh?" Karen nudges Joyce before giving Nancy a look.

"Ok" Nancy gets up and follows them before telling them what happened earlier on.

"That is just heart breaking, he deserves everything and more" it soon rolled onto lunch time but that's when they had the roast dinner instead.

"It's hot honey" Joyce sets Steve's plate down on his tray. They had finally ordered a highchair for Steve, which of course he hated at first but he soon got over it.

"Here bud, your new cup" Jonathan smiles at him as he set the cup down

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"Here bud, your new cup" Jonathan smiles at him as he set the cup down.

"Fank wou dada"

"You're welcome baby" he kisses the top of Steve's head. They all sit down and eat and Steve thought it was hilarious when they pulled the crackers.

"Hey Steve, wanna do one with me?" Mike held his phone up to video Steve. Karen didn't want anyone to be on their phones but Steve's reaction to the crackers pulling was an exception. (As well as photos and videos when opening presents that morning).

"Oh my goodness honey" Joyce chuckled as Steve was laughing his head off. They soon had their lunch and the little ones went to play whilst the others helped clear away and tidy.

"Woah buddy, slow down" Jonathan grabs him by his shoulders and stopped him.

"Wook dada" Steve smiles up at him as he pointed to the floor where his toy cars were. God, Jonathan could never get over him calling him 'dada' especially with that sweet innocent smile.

"That's cool buddy, but slow down ok, no running" he tells him.

"Tay dada" the day rolled on and Steve never had his nap because he was too busy going through his presents. They had dinner which was just whatever anybody wanted to eat and soon it was bedtime. They could tell because now Steve was overtired and crankier than usual.

"Come, we'll get pyjamas on and go to bed" Jonathan tells him. He carries him up, changes his nappy and puts him into a pair of red and navy long sleeve Santa pyjamas.

"Let's go say night to everyone" Jonathan carries him back down to say goodnight but he was getting whinier by the minute

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"Let's go say night to everyone" Jonathan carries him back down to say goodnight but he was getting whinier by the minute. They let them know that they're gonna head up with Steve to also sleep as he had them up early and sleep was soon catching up to everyone. Jonathan lies him down on the bed whilst Nancy hands him his bottle.

"I'm so glad your mum suggested a bottle" Nancy chuckles

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"I'm so glad your mum suggested a bottle" Nancy chuckles.

"Me too, it definitely helps him sleep better"

"Oh definitely, just need to work on not getting us up so early" she jokes. They both knew that was never going to happen any time soon unless he was sick or something. He finally fell asleep and Jonathan popped a red Santa dummy in his mouth.

"I'm glad we made this a good Christmas for Steve" Jonathan happily sighs

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"I'm glad we made this a good Christmas for Steve" Jonathan happily sighs.

"Me too, I know he broke our hearts this morning with his statement but I'm glad we got to make new better memories for him"

"Just wish his parents could've done better"

"I do too but in a way, we probably wouldn't of got to have done this with him"

"True, we're definitely going to give him a better childhood this time even if it has to be this way"

"I can second that, anyway we should get some sleep"

"Yeah, goodnight I love you" Jonathan kisses Nancy.

"Night, I love you too" she smiles into the kiss. They both then look down at Steve before gently kissing him on the cheeks.

"Love you too" they both whisper to him. The two eventually fall asleep, cuddling one another.

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