
510 31 21

Really livin' up to the whole "sporadic updates" thing, aren't I? I swear, I keep getting distracted by other fics that I'm not gonna publish for like, another year (if ever). Or deadass writing oneshots for my own characters like someone's actually gonna read 'em...

"Do you all have to be so close?" Kazue muttered under his breath as he walked toward the stadium, hands in the pockets of his uniform's jacket. His father was on his right, Iwata was on his left, and Aerogale was crowding in from behind. All three heroes from Dreynen Agency were going to watch the Sports Festival, and had apparently made it their mission to attract as much attention as possible.

Aerogale snickered, reaching out to squeeze at Kazue's shoulders like a pesky, yet abnormally tall five-year-old. "I can get closer, if it annoys you so much," the man offered, his teasing tone making him sound very punchable. Or... more punchable than usual.

"I will use your own Quirk to launch you into space if you do not remove your hands from me," Kazue stated blandly, dying inside when he spotted more and more civilians snapping photos of the four of them. He supposed it made quite the sight; having Number Seven, Number Thirteen, and the rising Number Twenty-Six all gathered around one person.

The hero snatched his hands away just as quickly as they'd come forwards, and he whistled as though he weren't scared by the threat. "Pssh, like you have enough energy to do that," Aerogale replied with false dismissiveness.

Iwata snickered at the exchange, casually slinging an arm over Kazue's shoulders and pretending not to notice his senior's outrage. The brunet played favorites; sue him. "He can use mine."

"Oh, fuck you, Tecton," Aerogale muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets and sulking like a child. Well, at least until he caught sight of a certain hero as the group neared the stadium and prepared to enter. "Shitshitshitthere'sKamuidoIlookokay?" the man blurted out, ducking behind Katashi to frantically run his gloved fingers through his hair.

"Keep talking like that, and people will think you have a crush," Kazue's father commented mildly, but his son could hear the amusement in his tone.

Kazue hid a smirk at the tease, glancing back at the Zephyr Hero to see his face flame into burning red. "Hell no! Like I'd ever like that bastard!" Aerogale hissed out between clenched teeth, tugging up his costume's collar in a failed attempt to hide the bright pallor of his skin. "Every damn year of the Sports Festival..."

Katashi patted his sidekick on the arm with more mirth in the gesture than comfort. "Just breathe, Aerogale," he advised, shooting Kazue a look.

The teen raised an eyebrow in reply as they stopped at the junction where students and heroes would have to part.

"No offense, Dreynen-san, Kimura-kun, but your silent conversations scare me," Iwata admitted, an awkward smile on his face as he tried and failed to decipher the looks the two had sent one another. "So I'm just gonna say good luck out there and don't break your arm again."

Kazue let a small smile show as he looked up at the young hero. No matter how long he'd been at his father's agency, whether it'd been three years or thirty, Tecton had proved again and again to have a pure heart. To embody the true meaning of a hero, even if he was occasionally unsure of himself. "I'll try not to," he drawled, noting several of his classmates making their way into the hall he was supposed to go into.

Aerogale jabbed a thumb in the opposite direction, having tamed the color flooding his face almost back to normal. "Break a leg instead," he nodded sagely, walking backwards. "I'm going to claim a spot, bye."

After a moment of hesitation, Iwata evidently decided to give father and son a final moment alone and followed after the elder sidekick. With a wave, he disappeared around the corner.

Motivation - SPORADIC UPDATESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon