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Kazue wanted to die. He felt like he already had one foot in the grave, but, quite frankly, didn't care. Even school was better than being forcefully cooped up in his room, unable to do the slightest amount of work for the agency.

Unfortunately or fortunately, the brunet just so happened to be enrolled in the hero course of his local high school. So he'd 'snuck' out of the house while his father was at work, knowing he'd probably be subjected to a lecture when the school day was over. Their house had cameras all over. There was no 'sneaking' in or out.

Actually, that was a lie. Fueki did it all the time to leave slightly burnt cookies on the kitchen counter.

Oh, look, there was the door to 1-A!

Kazue lifted his good arm and slid it open abruptly, promptly giving almost the entire class a heart attack in the process. His eyes scanned the room quickly from under the bandages, finding solace in the fact that no one was missing other than himself.

"Dude, I thought you were in the hospital!" Kaminari immediately exclaimed, Kirishima more or less saying the exact thing only milliseconds behind.

"I was. I left," Kazue replied bluntly, trudging past his classmates to his seat. He stared at his desk, barely catching himself from letting his head fall to it like always. That wouldn't exactly be a great idea after getting it fractured by the ground and glorified Big Bird the day before yesterday.

"Are you alright?!" Iida questioned in a loud voice, arms chopping the air robotically.

The brunet blinked, considering the question for a long moment before replying with a simple, "Sure." Why the hell did everyone care so much? He was injured, he had surgery and was hopped up on at least five different drugs, ergo he was technically fine. What was the big deal?

As if on cue, the door slid open to reveal a similarly-mummified Aizawa. "Morning," the man greeted flatly, shoulder hunched.

The class exploded, even more so than they had when Kazue had walked in. "Aizawa-sensei, you're also back too soon!"

"Also?" he asked rhetorically, head turning to look directly at a certain brown-haired teen and sigh. "Didn't I tell you not to come and get some rest?"

"I was bored," Kazue mumbled, slouching even lower in his chair. Besides, he also wanted to speak with All Might again, and the easiest way to get in contact with the Number One was to just suck it up and go to school.

Ignore the fact that he had the man's number saved on his phone.

Iida's hand shot up a second time, even faster than before. "So you're alright, Aizawa-sensei?"

The hero continued on his way behind the teaching podium, turning to face the class. "My well-being doesn't matter. More importantly, the fight is not over yet."

Way to scare the entire class, Kazue mentally congratulated the man, having an inkling of an idea what he was referring to.

"The Yūei Sports Festival is drawing near," Aizawa stated ominously.

Kazue wished he could cover both of his ears the moment the last word left the teacher's mouth, cringing as they exploded with a cry of 'THAT'S A SUPER NORMAL SCHOOL EVENT!'

Instead, he just settled for reaching in his pocket and pushing the scroll wheel on a small device down to the lowest level. After what'd happened, Kazue had painstakingly put together a volume toggle for his hearing aids so he could change it without the use of his watch. When you had one arm in a full cast, you couldn't exactly use a watch's apps without taking it off to tap the screen.

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