Chapter Thirty (But First Recap)

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Hello, yes, I am alive. Kinda crazy, no?

I have discovered that, hey, even though I haven't touched my doc for Motivation in a while, I do actually have a couple chapters written that I never published.


So like... Uh. Enjoy? I'm not even gonna read through the chapters, I'm just gonna publish them 💀

But first: character review since I made a shit ton of OCs that you might have trouble keeping track of. This is purely based on my memory of the characters, so like... Be prepared for me not remembering all their names 😭

First up, Kazue himself:

My boy's not overly talkative and has long internal monologues. He likes to analyze shit and doesn't like people. Because when people talk to him, he either defaults to speaking extremely formal in a monotone or gets really awkward (when taken by surprise). 

He doesn't want to be a hero, he wants to train them since they tend to be morons.

(I'm looking at you, Midoriya, the master of bone juice.)

His Quirk is complicated as hell and I could make a chapter specifically for that and make a huge big infodump on it. But I'll spare you. Maybe if I get back into the fandom I'll make a fic specifically for Quirk breakdowns.

It's essentially like this: Picture Todoroki's balance between fire and ice and apply that to boosting and diminishing the powers of others. At the beginning of the fic, Kazue could only boost other people's Quirks; however, he works toward unlocking and better utilizing the other half. 

His other skills/abilities include: 

1) Being able to know the names of people's Quirks just by looking at them, as well as the basic uses. He can also "look" deeper into the Quirk to figure out the intricacies, but this gives him a headache and is more easily done by touching the person.

2) Forced activation of Quirks/controlling their output. So like... he could theoretically slap a hand on Todoroki's shoulder and make an ice sculpture of of All Might

3) Eidetic memory. It goes hand-in-hand with Kazue's Quirk, since he'll always remember how someone else's Quirk works, all that jazz. Dude has a better memory than me by a long shot.

4) Martial arts and whatnot. His style's very precise and measured, with halts in movement being rare. I think I remember describing his fight with Shigaraki in the USJ as a dance?

Jeez, that was long. Next character:

Kimura Katashi/Dreynen

Kazue's dad. He's a strict parent but not at the same time? His relationship with Kazue is fairly complex since they're shit at communicating and expressing their emotions.

His Quirk is the diminishing half of Kazue's.

He's also the #7 hero, which is pretty wack.

Hamasaki Etsuko

She's kind of the first friend Kazue makes at Yuuei. They ate lunch together on the roof of the school before Chisaka Hitomi and Furuya Benjiro showed up. Yes, I somehow remembered their names.

She's in the support course and it an expert at coding. She's also pretty good with making tech, too, but she specializes in smaller devices rather than large ones.

Her quirk is like... if you've seen Hunter x Hunter, imagine Pitou's legs. It's called Jump, but... her legs are strong as hell compared to the rest of her body. She casually jumped off the edge of the roof and landed no problem.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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