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When Kazue finally came to, all it took was a single glance up at the ceiling of the room he was in for him to wince.


His father's office at Headquarters, where he was laying on the uncomfortable leather couch.

"You're finally awake, hm?" the man asked flatly from his desk, the sound of his laptop closing following. "Took you long enough. We're behind schedule thanks to your stupidity."

Kazue rolled his eyes at the smart remark, sitting up with a muted groan. His father wasn't even looking at him, instead rifling through some papers on his desk and occasionally pausing to sign one. Nothing new there. "No, we're on schedule instead of ahead thanks to my stupidity. There's a difference."

"Say what you want," Kimura Katashi replied with indifference, balling up a team-up request from another agency and dropping it in his wastebasket. Kazue snorted at the casual display of 'fuck you', stifling a yawn and waiting for his brain to wake up. His father pushed up his glasses, glancing over at his son for the first time since he'd woken up and fixing him with a stern look. "Now then, there's several things you need to do before you're free to return home. I've forwarded the list to you."

The teen didn't reply, instead shoving his hand in the pocket of his rumpled school uniform to pull out his phone. He paused. It wasn't there.

"Something wrong?"

Kazue ignored the patronizing question, pulling up his left sleeve and double-tapping the screen of his modified watch. Modified meaning that all he'd taken from the original watch was the strap and the metal casing for the bottom, replacing pretty much everything else.

It lit up instantly and he swiped through the applications he'd added by hooking it up to his computer, finally tapping on the locator icon and scrolling through his lengthy list of devices until his phone's name popped up. Kazue pressed it and a map popped up on the screen, a little green dot right on top of the blue dot that represented the watch. He raised his eyebrows slightly, shutting off the device and letting his sleeve fall back into place.

He glanced around the room, vaguely aware of his father watching his every move but not caring enough to actually look back.

Kazue's backpack was leaning against the couch, the zippers closed at one side instead of both at the top like he'd left them.

Ah. He must've dropped his phone when All Might kidnapped him, then someone, likely Tecton, found it on the sidewalk, retrieved his unconscious body and stuck it inside the bag.

Made sense.

The teen pulled out the device and powered it on, tapping on the email notification and skimming through the list attached.


Today was going to be a pain in his ass.

Why, he hears you ask?

Because one of the items on his agenda was to spar with Aerogale's interns, and the timestamp for that task was in nine minutes.


"You're who I'm fighting? Give me a break," the obnoxious teen in front of Kazue scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. The brunet gave his opponent a once-over, noting that he appeared to be strong. His left was slightly more muscular than the right, meaning he likely was left-handed, which indicated a different fighting style than someone who was right-handed. Well, probably.

"A fool is made more of a fool when their mouth is more open than their mind," Kazue replied flatly as he stretched, quoting a random line he'd seen on the internet. He found most of his insults that way, and tended to use them on Aerogale and his interns. Not anyone else, of course, because outside of the agency, Kazue was just the quiet, average kid who read manga and fell asleep in class. Well, sort of, considering that most people also knew who his father was. "The way I see it, sparring with the likes of an arrogant prick like you is just a small task on my list of insignificant chores. Shall we begin?"

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