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Jin is sitting on the side of the bed when you wake up, his back facing you. "Goodmorning," you sit up and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, resting your head on one of them.

"Goodmorning," he greets you, his voice very soft and calm.

"Why are you up already, baby? Your usual shift starts at ten in the morning today, right?"

"No, I have to be there earlier today... Something with a surgery..." he sounds disppointed in himself. "I'm sorry I can't stay any longer."

"No big deal. Saving lifes is much more important than sleeping," you plant a kiss on his shoulder.

"Yeah... I guess," he doesn't sound convinced of himself, but he sticks with it. The muscles in his shoulders tense against your skin.

"Jin, is something wrong?" You climb to the front and sit down on his lap. "Is there something you need to tell me?"

"I just love you, that's all," he gives you a smile.

"I love you too," you kiss his forehead. "But, if there's anything you need to tell me-"

"It's nothing, really. I'm just a little stressed lately... I have barely time to see you an-"

"I have a solution for that. I can move in with you, so you won't be alone at home anymore," you say.

"That would be very nice."

You kiss him gently and get off his lap. "I'll go make us some breakfast before you have to leave."

• •

Jin walks through the hospital hallways without wearing his doctor uniform like usual. He stops at the employee room and Namjoon looks up from his coffee.

"Jin..." Namjoon seems a little lost for words. What was he supposed to say? Nothing could be good enough to reassure him. "I-" Namjoon leaves his seat to hug Jin tightly. "I'm so sorry."

Jin wraps his arms around Namjoon, honestly feeling defeated in every kind of way. "I didn't even tell her yet. How am I supposed to?"

"I know it's hard, because it will completely break her. But Clover needs to know what's going on, Jin. She deserves to know that you-" Namjoon stops talking because he just can't say that one word.

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