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Smut warning

Jin took you back in his apartment towards the room you assumed was his bedroom.

Along the way you shed him of his tuxedo jacket, the heavy material landing with a thud along the floor somewhere. You were working on his bow tie when when the backs of your legs hit the bed.

With the tie discarded you made light work of his shirt buttons, untucking it from his slacks, but as you tried to pull it off him, he pushed your shoulders down. You lost your balance and hit the bed, Jin immediately between your legs and hovering above you, his bare chest inches away and lips on your neck.

You had always loved neck kisses, the tickle of them so playful until he reached that weak spot where your neck met your shoulder. You let out a shaky breath, a small moan following much like the ones you made to tease him earlier.

His hand found his way to your thigh, slipping between the slit of your dress that he'd been eyeing up most of the evening. Finally he could touch the skin, caress, stroke you and feel you. He slid his hand further up your thigh, wanting nothing more than to strip your clothing off and get as close to you as humanly possible.

His fingertips gazed over the material of your underwear, the lycra of them somewhat unexpected to Jin.

"Hang on..." he says, a playful and yet confused tone to his voice. Realisation had dawn to you as he rose to his knees attempting to lift the skit of your dress past your hips for a better look at what he had felt.

You tried to stop him, to push your dress back down but it's too late, it's around your hips.

Your cheeks flush and you cover your face with your hands.

"What on earth are these?" he laughs, running his finger along the seem.

"No, I forgot I was- fuck! I was gonna change!"

"No,no, don't. I like them," he teases, pinging the waistband of your ridiculously huge control top panties against your stomach. You giggle, hiding your face out of embarrassment. "So sexy, Cloe," he leans forward and kisses you again, grinding his hips against the lycra.

The feeling send a bolt of electricity through your spine, a gush of arousal forming at your core. "I'm sorry, but I have to take another look," he jokes, shuffling down again.

"No, stop!" You laugh, trying to pull him back up to you.

"No need to be embarrassed, darling. I'm wearing something quite similair myself." You laugh at the obvious lie. "Here, look. I'll show you," he stand off the edge of the bed, kicking his shoes off and unzipping his slacks, pushing them down to reveal... completely normal  boxer shorts.

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