The End

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I have spent my entire life devoted to my emotions. I spent 4 years in an unrequited love triangle, and 5 months in a "relationship" in which I was misunderstood and used by someone who claimed they loved me, but in reality, I was entirely a pass time, I spent my time in high school fixing others relationships, offering love advice, investing in love tropes from novels and tv shows, or certain YouTube vloggers and their relationships. I can't help it. I'm a 17-year-old girl who is fangirling over anything and everything I can because it's the only source of entertainment that cures my overactive mind. So I created my own reality, one where the actual human beings' entire personality is little bits of boys and girls that I fell in love with over the years and I created my potential soulmate. Yet they may cease to exist. The characters in my book are most definitely not like this in real life, I don't even know them except for what they put out on the internet. But I fell in love with whom they perceive, and that is why I wrote this book.

I believe in love, whether it is platonic or romantic, everyone has someone out there in this world. And I'm a kid who dreams, I have dreams to study at the top English university in Cambridge, I have dreams to move my entire self over across the world to achieve such dreams, I have dreams about whom I am to marry or my best friend being in my future. I'm a dreamer. That's what kids are. My imagination built me from rock bottom, I only found the only way I can understand things as a basic human being is by dreaming and imagining, because what is life without a little fakeness? I wanna be a writer and an author. I wanna sit in my apartment after a long day on my laptop with my partner and doggies while we watch a new series on Netflix. I wanna live my depiction of perfection, which is most coincidently imperfect. I'm a kid that dreams bigger than her world allows her to see.

I never got lost in books until I was about 15 when I met this website entitled Wattpad, and I found people I related to and that shared my interests. I found people my age writing about characters I loved and not genres I adored. Cheap romantic novels never interested me, yet the shitty movies did. I read the love stories of Tommy and Tubbo and I started to imagine reality where I wasn't in this crappy world, I found hope in reading Nick and Charlie love tropes cause I found my passion for LGBTQ+ creators and writers after I came out as Bisexual in February of 2022. I discovered my passion for writing through these communities and I thus aspired to take it further. I reached out to uni's across the world, I gave in my most weirdly wonderful English assignments, and I coped with unhealed trauma through poetry and creating songs. I became my reality, where I could live in this created world, and be me.

When I first published this book online, I expected maybe 500 viewers, a couple of votes, and some comments telling me what I needed to fix. On the last day of Year ten, just four months after its release, I hit 1k reads...two months later on my first day of Year eleven, I hit 15k, just months down the track sitting here PUBLISHING my book. I'm close to 75k, over 3k comments, and close to 1.51k votes. Something I could never have imagined...ever. People became essentially FANS of my work, my colleagues were wanting to read my work, my friends stopped bullying me for the fanfic writing, and encouraged this whole world around me. I had created my own universe, within my universe. And I'm about to start my second book.

Life is entirely a journey and hey fucking sucks. You have boys that will treat you like assholes, girls that only want you cause you were willing to be their support dummy, parents that will love you and hate you, friends that will come and go, and honestly high school, FUCKING SUCKS. But I know, once I'm out of there, I'm going to rule the world..whether it's my fictional one or the real one is up to fate.

The Lonely Gift ;)

Jaymee xx

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