Chapter Five ~ A summer to remember

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It had been a week since I met Tubbo and Tommy. I had been texting both the boys a lot and even facetiming Tommy later on in the night, as we both have really mucked up sleep schedules. 

I even downloaded discord and bought Minecraft so I could speak and play with them both. Tommy had posted the vlog about 2 days ago and it was a hit. Some of his fan's comments were hilarious, I spent hours reading through them it was the best. I hung out with Tommy and tubbo again yesterday, we went to the movies and watched the conjuring 3. 

I was shitting my pants, I hate scary movies but Tommy was all kind about it anytime I looked a bit overwhelmed he'd grab my hand or place his on top of mine and just remind me that everything was going to be okay and that its all just a movie.  (a/n- I actually love scary movies and the conjuring and the IT franchises are my favorites) 

After the movie, we went for ice cream and dinner and then headed our separate ways home, only to just straight onto a discord call and play Minecraft for another like 5 hours, we really were becoming good friends, and quickly too. It was exactly what I needed after the time inside by myself. 

~~small time skip, like a week later~~

It was currently around 10 pm and I was I'm my room, like always, just vibing and cleaning my room when I heard my discord ringtone interrupt my music. 

"Hello?" I questioned 

"hiya y/n" tubbo spoke from the other end 

"oh tubbo, hellooooo, sorry I wasn't expecting you to call me from your discord cause you normally are on Tommy's" I laughed 

"Yeah haha, well I just wanted to have a chat, tom's streaming and I'm bored" he laughed from the other end

"okay toob, I'm down" I giggled, and turned on my face cam so I could still clean my room 

"shut up" he whined, turning his on too 

"where are you" I rushed up to the screen getting a better look

"oh, I asked Mrs Simons if I could borrow her laptop while tom was streaming so I could do some stuff and call you, so I'm in her office at Tommy's" he explained 

"oh okay rightio then... When do you go back home tub?" I questioned him trying to carry on the conversation, going over and packing my folded laundry into my closet. 

"Monday, next week" he sighed sadly, relaxing into the office chair 

"WHAT?!" I slightly yelled 

"yeah, I really enjoyed it here, normally when tom and I meet up we don't meet anyone new, we kind of just keep to ourselves, and its fun and all but sometimes change is fun, and when we met you, every day was like a oooo what's next sorta thing, ya get me" the boy spoke

"I get you, when I met you and Tommy, I was at a really low point in my life and that day I wasn't expecting to meet, well you guys and I'm so glad I did cause although I only met you like two weeks ago, a lot can happen in two weeks and I don't know where I would be without you boys" I admitted to the blue-eyed boy looking at me 

"you really mean that y/n?" he looked up towards the camera a bit shocked 

"I do tubbo" I sighed 

"I know Tommy's really happy he met you too, all he has been talking about for the past two weeks is you, I think someone might have a little crush" tubbo smirkingly laughed 

"no, he doesn't tubbo!!!" I blushed super hard at his comment

"Hmm, you don't know him like I do y/n...." tubbo teased 

I hid my face blushing super hard at his teasing, then I heard a door open from the other end. 

"y/n doesn't know who like you do?" the voice asked genuinely and with his accent coating his voice like it was almost forced yet at the same time it was still so natural. 

"oh y/n doesn't know you LIKE I do" tubbo answered teasing Tommy, then Tommy popped his head into the camera and waved 

"you're talking about me aye" he teased as well, I hid my face deeper into my hoodie

"no actually I was telling her how much you talk about her" tubbo cut in, then it was Tommy's turn. Tommy instantly turned a shade of red, before playfully punching tubbo, in a friendly way of course, but he needed tubbo to know he was PISSED and well a bit embarrassed. 

"omg chill, know it was a joke" I tried calming the boys down before they broke something  

"y-yeah, a j-joke. A j-joke right t-tubbo" Tommy laughed and stuttered upon his words, eyeing tubbo in a way that clearly said 'agree with me or you're dead'. 

Tubbo nervously laughed, "yeah a j-j-joke" tubbo mocked winking into the camera signaling it, in fact, was not a joke. 

And with that we all chatted a bit more before deciding to turn in for the night, I finally ended up sleeping around 4 am, I left the call at around three and then went on tik tok for an hour. It was a really fun night, I definitely loved these boys with all my heart, hanging out with them made me forget all about Noah, and home and everything. These boys were my yellow. 

Hi lovelies,

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. I must admit I didn't have a plan of where this story was going after Y/n met Tommy and tubbo, but I just spent about an hour and a half writing in a google doc the plan for the rest of the story, colour-coding it, and so on, and I'm really excited to see what I make of my plans and I hope y'all are too, I hope you're enjoying the story so far and stay safe, drink water and remember to eat and get a good sleep tonight, have a good rest of your day or night or whatever time it is for you.


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