Chapter Thirty - Tommy...

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It is physically impossible to describe the amount of serotonin and love Tommy and his friends had placed into my life. As I continue to walk hand in hand down the very same Nottinghamshire path we had walked down to get everywhere over this past year. From house to house, to the park, bus stop to home or vice-versa, walking to that cafe we ate at earlier this year with tubs, the path Tommy and I ran off to hide from Noah and his friends is just up the path. This path was more or less the source of my and Tommy's entire relationship. It was nice.

"Hey" Tommy smiled, squeezing my hand to grab my attention

"yes pretty boy?" I laughed back, looking over in his direction

"we never have to go to that shitty college again" he smiled even bigger

"oh shi-shit yeah. We never have to go back. WOW" I almost sounded panicked

"You know love, I have been thinking about something" Tommy smiled as we walked past that path we ran down all those months ago

"Hmm" i hummed, concerned by his tone.

"You know when we first met, and I jokingly asked you out and asked for your number for that skit" he adds, grinning.

"Yeahhh?" I laughed nervously

"We went on that beach date...with the camera and everything... but you never asked me to go on a second date" he smirked

"Tommy, I travelled around the country with you, kissed you on an ice rink in-front of our 3 best friends, and we are dating" I laughed trying to catch my breath

"Well my viewers never got their second date" he smirked even more.

"Oh is that so" I began to swing our arms in sync

"But you know it's okay, I got a partner out of it, and someone I can marry and spend my life with" he adds, voice soothing and calm.

"You wanna marry meeeeeeeeee" I said in a joking tone

"Of course I do" his sounding more serious

I smiled looking at him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, him smiling the entire time.

"I wanna marry you too" I giggled.

"So where's my ring bitch" he pulled a sarcastic face. Raising his eyebrows and blinking ever so slowly

I burst out into laughter. "Your ring? Where the fuck is my ring" I add on, trying to keep a straight face.

We eventually had arrived back at the boy's house, entering through the door to toms mother in the living room.

"y/n! darling, oh I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. How are you" she ran up, engulfing me in a hug?

Tommy laughed, as I replied "im great how are you"

She nodded, "I hope my little boy has been taking good care of you. If not, ill-"

"He's the most amazing boyfriend I could have ever asked for. You've raised him amazingly" I cut her off before I laughed

Tommy turned red, interlocking his right hand with my left, slowly asking to pull me away and head upstairs into his bedroom.

We ran up the stairs still holding one another, joined by the hand. We were both gobsmacked from the day at school, studying and all that jazz.

He jumped on his bed, then opened his arms for me to crawl into. God, he was utterly and entirely gorgeous.

"hey n/n" he whispered softly, clearly tired as his eyes were droopy and his voice was calm. 

I hummed in response. 

"I have a question." he smiled 

I hummed again. 

"so, I have been thinking about wanting to move closer to the boys down in Brighton. But in no way possible am I leaving you here, I want to spend my forever with you. So I was thinking, did you in a few months, wanna move to Brighton?"  He spoke, genuinely sounding nervous. 

"Tommy...I- OF COURSE" 

A flush of relief flushed over the blonde's face. "You do" 

"yeah, yes! YES," I responded instantly. 
"well I would have to talk to mum about it, and id have to find a job down there, and we have to find a house and shit" I rambled 

"well, the boys actually mentioned the idea of having somewhat a joined house, me and you, Ranboo and Tubbo, and well Wilbur of course." He added shyly 

"Yes oh my, that sounds amazing" I repeated excitedly 

"There is a cafe just around the corner from where Wilbur originally looked at when the idea first came up, they have been hiring for a year, understaffed I suppose, and it's actually a sister store to that cafe you always used to go to downtown" he smiled 

I leaped forward hugging the boy ever so tightly. "yes yes yes. Tommy, I want to spend my life and beyond with you" I was on the blink of happy tears. 

"so that's it then. As soon as we get the yes. We're moving to Brighton!" he cheered. 

"Quick, let's tell the boys" I jumped up in over excitement.

He laughed, texting the boys to jump in a VC, and walking over to his gaming chair, placing me into his lap.  

We watched as the three remaining house members rolled into the VC and slowly all turned on their cams and mics. 

"no one is streaming no?" Tommy checked, for privacy reasons of course. 

A collection of 'no's' rolled over the sound of his computer. 


"We got a yes boys. Operation Twitch House is underway"  Tommy cheered into his mic

The boys applauded and cheered, tubbo was yelling, and ranboo was almost in tears. It was amazing. 

It was official 

I was going to spend my life with my best friends. 

Hello, my beloved readers, 
How are we doing tonight? I hope we are all well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Im going to spend my next few days writing to try and officially finish the book. I have big plans for possible future books so stay tuned. 

Stay safe, remember to drink water, eat some food, go for a walk, and take care of yourself. Love you all endlessly. Have a good day/night/day at work or school/afternoon. 

Jaymee <333


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