Chapter twenty-seven ~ Christmas

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It was perfect, I had my boyfriend, my best friends, and everyone I loved for my future around me. Wilbur had worked all night preparing Christmas lunch, and the other three boys and I had spent all night decorating the tree we had bought from the Christmas tree farm on the way home yesterday. Once finished, Ranboo put the tree topper on the top of the tree, and tubbo decorated the cabinets with stockings and Santas all around.

Tommy and I began in the dining room decorating it with tinsel and baubles, and table runners making it feel as Christmasy as possible. We had returned home from the festival at around 10 pm and spent all the rest of the night decorating for tomorrow.

"hey y/n" Tommy whispered, walking over to me with his phone,

I stopped putting up the baubles and looked over at the blonde, he held his phone up so the screen lit up. I first noticed the picture on his lock screen, that photo of us he took dancing at the train station the first night I met the other boys, then I noticed the time...

"midnight...Merry Christmas Tommy" I smiled goofily, opening my arms for the boy to walk into.

He smiled and walked a little faster towards me, engulfing me in a hug, my head resting on his soft jumper and his chin placed on top of my head. The biggest smile, plastered on my face listening to the soft reps of his breath, god this boy was unforgettably perfect.

We pulled back and he placed his soft lips on my forehead, kissing me gently before whispering 'Merry Christmas' in my ear. I placed my hands gently on the upper half of his cheeks, fingers parting at the ears, and played with his soft blonde locks, standing on my tippy toes to pull his head down and kiss his forehead in return, his smile lit up the room once more.

His cheeks still flushed the slight shade of pink, just as he did when he first met me all those months ago, the places where his warmth had touched my skin still tingled, and my smile still plastered upon my face. My god, I love this boy.

After our moment of silence, we heard the loud noise of the others realizing the time, we followed the cheers and voices of happiness back to the kitchen to see all the boys jumping around with Christmas music on. Wilbur was nowhere to be seen. We laughed, and ran over to the boys engulfing each other in to a group hug, laughing and swaying around.

Suddenly a noise beckoned behind us, for our attention. Wilbur, holding a large bag of red material? We looked at the boy confused for a minute until he pulled out the first large tacky Christmas onesie, that appeared to be 6'4 tall. Ranboo laughed grabbing the onesie and running off the bathroom, we all collected and returned to the living room around the same time, all matching in tacky Christmas bright red onesies.

"Merry Christmas losers" Wilbur laughed

 (Imagine this is what they look like lmao)

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(Imagine this is what they look like lmao)

I looked over at toms, whose hoodie was too big for his head as it dangled over his face, while he laughed. I grabbed the hood of mine and pulled it up, fixing it so I didn't look entirely insane. and walked over to the boys, who were coming out of their rooms with piles of pillows and blankets. Tom had run off to collect the ones from our room, Wilbur had one huge corner couch that was in the middle of his living space with a semi-decent sized, large tv over a fireplace. 

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